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Use Today As Mid-Year Evaluation and Repositioning Time

Business-Building Action From Terry Brock

English: Fireworks on the Fourth of July, 2009...
English: Fireworks on the Fourth of July, 2009; Happy Birthday America! (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today is the Fourth of July in United States. It is a day that we remember when some very brave people risked their lives saying they wanted to fight against tyranny and oppression to form a free and independent state. That desire to be free and have liberty resounds not just as a political idea, but a philosophical way of life.

This is a wonderful time of the year to step back and evaluate how you’re doing so far this year. We have now crossed the halfway mark this year. How are you doing on those New Year’s resolutions that you put together about six months ago? This would be a good weekend to look at what you’ve done, what successes you have had, what challenges you’ve had, and focus on what to do for the rest of the year.

Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Revising and rewriting the Declaration of Independence.
Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Revising and rewriting the Declaration of Independence.

I plan to do that myself as I examine what is going on and where things are going. This has been a very good year for me so far. I’m feeling great physically. Relationships are good. Business is doing very well! Yes, life is good!

Even as life is going well, I see specific areas that I want to address that I need to improve and make things even better between now and December 31st. I encourage you to take this time whether you are in America or elsewhere to reflect on how the year has been so far for you. Use this as a good half-way checkpoint in your year. Make your resolutions to continue forward for the rest of this year doing what is right for you. You deserve a great life. Make it happen!

All the best,


Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE

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