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Use This Phrase And Watch Sales Magic Happen

Hello there! It’s Terry Brock and I hope you’re doing well.

In our latest podcast episode, I talked about how to navigate upcoming changes in technology and the economy. I urged listeners to attend an event to receive more information on technology and AI. I also highlighted my current focus on AI and educating people on its usage.

Moreover, I’m releasing a video soon that will provide insights on how to navigate an upcoming recession. During our conversation, I recalled a remarkable encounter with a customer service representative named Xana, who used a specific phrase while taking care of something.

The phrase she used made me feel great, and I even complimented her on it. I believe that Xana’s mentality is the kind of thing that should be encouraged in customer service.

I am reflecting on a previous experience and thinking about how to improve it. I suggest tweaking the language to make it more personal and effective. Using the words “for you” targets the message directly to the individual and can make them feel valued. I also emphasized the importance of taking action with a proactive attitude to gain an advantage.

My partner Gina Carr and I run a program called Stark Raving Entrepreneurs, which aims to help people with entrepreneurship. We offer a program that’s open to the public every weekday at 4pm US Eastern time, featuring world-class speakers.

I heard something that changed the way I think, and I believe it can help others grow their business and marketing.

I think this episode is packed with valuable information for entrepreneurs, professionals, and anyone interested in improving their mindset towards customer service and business.

Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to our podcast. It’s time to turn your subscription into past tense by becoming an active listener.

Best regards,

Terry Brock

3X TEDx Speaker
Stark Raving Entrepreneurs
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Are you looking for an in-person or virtual speaker who will add the perfect spark to your next event? Or an author for your next bestseller? Or maybe a technology coach to help you leverage the future to hit your goals? Contact Terry and let’s see if he’s the right fit!