The latest shiny new object in the social media space is Periscope.
In a nutshell, it is a streaming video application that works with Twitter to display streaming broadcasts to your followers. The broadcasts are live and unedited, and remain on your account for 24 hours before being deleted.
If you’re thinking, “Oh, I don’t need that. It wouldn’t help me in business,” I sure hope you are my competition! This new social media tool is a game changer. Periscope works on iOS and Android. Twitter purchased it a few months ago, and it integrates seamlessly with your Twitter account.
What kind of business applications does it have? This is where the always-open-for-opportunities entrepreneurs perk up a bit!
There are many applications for Periscope being realized daily. These are just a few and I look forward to hearing from you with more.
1. Live broadcast of new product launch
When you launch your new product, you can reveal it (or gradually reveal it) through Periscope. Each “Scope” (Periscope broadcast) can reveal a new feature and benefit of your product or service.
2. Tour of your facility and meeting your team
Today we want to personalize business. It humanizes our interaction with a company when we get to know John in shipping or Mary, the VP of marketing. You could have a Scope of your engineering department as you walk around introducing people and letting them say hello to your followers. This builds brand recognition and creates more of a bond. In business, a bond equals a better bottom line.
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