Business-Building Action from Terry Brock
Business is not about getting the technology (although that is fun!). It is not about all the administration. You’re in business to make profits. And you only get this by helping enough other people get what they want so that they are willing to give you their resources.
The formula really is simple, but it is not easy. That is what separates the winners from the wishers. Wishers only hope to get better but are not willing to pay the price. Winners usually aren’t that much smarter, more attractive, and sometimes don’t even smell nice! However, winners are willing to pay the price for success. Economists tell us that it all happens at the margins and it is in the little things where we find the crucial difference between success and failure.
Often it sounds easy. Wishers embrace a cynical, Oh, that is so trite! attitude. You’ll often hear wishers complain that winners were merely lucky.
The truth is that the formula for success doesn’t care if you’re male, female, white, black, yellow, brown, green or purple! Like laws of nature, these principles work whether you obey them or not, whether you like them or not. Winners make it their goal to learn and apply the principles of success no excuses, no laziness and no stopping.
Here are some key principles to help you build profitable business relationships as a winner.
1. Get Attention. The real struggle in business today is to get the favorable attention of important people read, buyers. TMI too much information is a big part of our culture. We have to shield ourselves to survive the deluge of too many ads, Blogs, podcasts, IMs, etc. etc. So, how do you get favorable attention among prospects and buyers? Be creative as you talk to prospects to find their pain and identify with their hurting. Show you have solutions. This builds credibility. Building credibility gets attention.
2. Build Trust. Respect and trust are earned, not given. Demonstrate reliability in small things. Follow-up when you say you will. Return phone calls promptly and 24 hours at the latest whenever possible. Use voice mail more. Show you are reliable and trustworthy to build trust. You can’t buy trust — it is only earned through consistent, proven results. Make that your focus.
3. Listen Actively. Ask pertinent questions, then shut up and listen! Stop interrupting. I find it amazing the number of people who persistently interrupt in conversations and only talk about their own agenda. You will stand out favorably when you take an interest in what the other person is interested in talking about. Ask open-ended questions like What got you interested in being in this industry? or What was the best lesson you’ve learned in your X years here at ABC Company? These open-ended questions can tap into the prospect’s desires and dreams. Winners then remember that and can help the prospect/buyer in the future.
4. Provide Value As Buyers Define Value. You’ve got to do your research to know what is valuable to the other person. Don’t assume. Just because you think something is dandy doesn’t mean buyers will. Ask questions, yes. However, part of your due diligence as a winner vs. a wisher, is to watch for actions more than words. You might have noticed in life that sometimes people say one thing and do another. Listen carefully to the saying part but watch the doing part very closely.
5. Follow-Up. This is the dinner of champions. You might (and should) delegate many tasks (Thank you, Peter Drucker!). However, you have to assume 100% responsibility for the task being completed. Leverage technology with this. I’m talking a quick email How’s it going with the Jones project? kind of follow-up. Then check with third party sources to ensure Jones is happy. This dinner of champions will provide a very tasty desert in the long run.
Success in your business is easy, just not simple. You have to keep applying these principles. Do we always do it? Of course not. We’re human beings. Take advantage of that and do a follow-up on yourself to monitor how you’re progressing.
These steps can help transform your business and career from one of a well-meaning wisher into a winner.
Terry Brock is an international marketing coach and columnist who helps businesses market more effectively, leveraging technology. He shows busy professionals how to squeeze more out of their days using time-honored rules and practical technology tools. He can be reached at 407-363-0505, by e-mail at or through his website at