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5 Steps For Dealing With Overwhelm in Social Media

Business-Building Action From Terry Brock

Can you relate to this?  You feel overwhelmed with the continued, non-stop changes happening with social media.  While you’re being overwhelmed there is that secret, gnawing fear of being left behind. That fear is in the back of your mind that something new and cool is going to come along, and you’ll miss out.

There are a lot of things that we have to do to “keep up” in today’s busy world. Some view it much like juggling. You have a lot of balls in the air and you’re concerned that at any moment they’re all going to come crashing down on your head!

I often think of it like being at an all-you-can-eat restaurant buffet that is really, really good. You’re extraordinarily hungry and the food is especially delicious and tempting today.  You grab some of this and some of that and a little more of that other goodie! Eventually, however, your plate is overflowing and food starts to fall off! Yikes!

You know you can’t stick your head in the sand regarding social media. You know that success today requires you to be alert and aware of those most important activities to serve your customers. Yet at the same time, you can’t spend 48 hours every day working (although some of us have tried!) Eventually our bodies cry out that they need this thing called – SLEEP!

juggleHere are 5 steps that will help you in this world of overwhelm:

Step 1 – Understand this is just the way the world works today and will for the rest of our lives.

Step 2 – Determine the strategy that is right for you. Make sure it aligns with your goals and aspirations.

Step 3 – Build your discipline and focus

Step 4 – in today’s constantly-changing world, always be open to re-evaluation and considering what will work best.

Step 5 – Repeat steps 1-4.

A good tool to use to measure how well you’re doing in the world of social media is Klout. This is a measuring tool that computes a digital score from 0-100 for everyone who is using tools like Twitter or other social media platforms. Klout helps you by showing what you need to do to be effective in social media.

I think of Klout much like a lighthouse that can help you in the midst of a raging storm at sea in the dark of night. You’re in a little row boat and desperately need to get to shore. Klout acts as the lighthouse shining a beacon so you can aim in the right direction, knowing that you will eventually be safe.

Using the principles of success with Klout will help you to focus on what is best and avoid the rest.

For instance, Klout really doesn’t care how many Twitter followers you have. What matters is how much action you generate in others. Also, just putting out lots of tweets doesn’t boost your Klout Score. What will boost your Klout Score — and ultimately help build your business — is providing content that people like and they retweet (RT) your tweets, mention you or take specific action online because of what you’ve recommended.

It is easy to be overwhelmed with so much going in today’s world. There is hope as you follow these five steps and embrace the principles of Klout.



© Copyright 2013. Achievement Systems, Inc. and Terry Brock. All Rights Reserved. Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE helps organizations leverage technology like social media and mobile devices to connect with customers and increase productivity. He is the Co-Author of the McGraw-Hill upcoming book entitled Klout Matters which is about succeeding in social media and generating business. Visit his website for a free report on how Twitter can help you boost sales – He can be reached through his website at or on Twitter – @TerryBrock _____________________________________________________


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