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5 Weird AI Tips To Boost Your Content

Welcome to Stark Raving Entrepreneurs! 

Today, we’re diving into 5 profitable techniques for leveraging AI in marketing to supercharge your content creation and turn it into cash. 

Hi, I’m Terry Brock, one of your hosts. Joining me today is my partner and fiancée, Gina Carr. We’ll be covering how you can identify and alleviate your audience’s pain points, the power of surveys for real-time feedback, and the benefits of online research tools like Chat GPT and Perplexity.

This is really good!

Plus, we’ll share some insider tips on using breakout rooms, Reddit, and other unique strategies to craft engaging, authentic content that resonates with your audience. 

Stick around till the end for a special gift and some invaluable resources to help you stand out and succeed.

First, here’s a gift for you to better understand AI and build sales – 

Recommended AI tools for business growth. 

Here’s Your Video Link: 

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Here are some timestamps that can be useful for you:

  1. **[00:00:00] – Introduction and Episode Overview**: Terry introduces the episode’s focus on 5 profitable AI techniques for marketing and content creation.
  2. **[00:00:43] – Identifying Audience Pain Points**: Terry discusses the importance of finding where your audience is hurting and creating content around solving those issues.
  3. **[00:01:04] – Benefits of Surveys**: Gina elaborates on using surveys to understand who you serve and what problems you solve, mentioning tools like Google Forms and Zoom surveys.
  4. **[00:03:32] – Online Research Tools and Chat GPT**: Gina discusses using online research tools like Chat GPT and Perplexity for accurate insights into audience needs and trends.
  5. **[00:06:55] – Be Authentic and Unique**: Terry emphasizes the importance of being yourself in content creation and staying authentic, using personal stories and unique styles.
  6. **[00:14:14] – The Importance of Calls to Action (CTAs)**: Terry talks about the significance of including CTAs in your content to drive engagement and business, and mentions different levels of CTAs.
  7. **[00:19:09] – Closing and Additional Resources**: The hosts provide information on extra resources like AI tools, and encourage listeners to visit specified websites for more information and free goodies.

These timestamps should help you quickly navigate to the key points discussed in the episode.


Spanish Language Summary

En este episodio de “Stark Raving Entrepreneurs”, Terry Brock y Gina Carr comparten cinco técnicas rentables para usar la inteligencia artificial en el marketing y cómo estas pueden impulsar significativamente la creación de contenido.

  1. **Identificar el dolor de la audiencia**: Se recomienda usar encuestas para comprender los problemas de la audiencia y crear contenido que ofrezca soluciones específicas. Gina destaca el uso de herramientas como Google Forms y las encuestas de Zoom para obtener retroalimentación valiosa.
  2. **Investigar en línea**: Utilizar herramientas como ChatGPT y Perplexity para investigar sobre los problemas y necesidades de la audiencia. Los hosts sugieren hablar directamente con las personas y usar foros como Reddit para obtener información detallada.
  3. **Usar reuniones y salas de escape**: Organizar sesiones interactivas, como salas de breakout en reuniones de Zoom, para obtener retroalimentación directa y detallada de los participantes sobre ciertos temas o presentaciones.
  4. **Ser auténtico y diferenciarse**: Recomiendan “u-izar” el contenido, es decir, personalizarlo con la propia voz y estilo. También enfatizan la importancia de ser diferente en lugar de simplemente tratar de ser mejor que otros.
  5. **Inclusión de llamadas a la acción (CTAs)**: Aconsejan la inclusión de CTAs para facilitar que la audiencia tome acciones beneficiosas tanto para ellos como para el creador de contenido. Proponen ofrecer algo gratuito, como una llamada de descubrimiento o una fácil suscripción a un boletín informativo.

Finalmente, Terry y Gina invitan a los oyentes a visitar sus recursos en línea y aprovechar herramientas de IA y otras tecnologías que pueden ayudar en la creación de contenido efectivo.

For your convenience, here’s the English language transcript:

Terry Brock [00:00:00]:
This episode, you’re gonna get 5 profitable techniques and approaches that you can use for AI in marketing that’s gonna give your content creation a huge boost. Hi. I’m Terry Brock. Thanks for joining us here on Stark Raving Entrepreneurs, where we talk about how you can use content and convert it to cash and get that moving in the right direction. I’m joined by my partner and fiance, Gina Carr. And Gina, I wanna start real fast here with the first mention of what we’re going to do, where we took a look take a look at one of the things of the 5 we’re gonna call her is follow the pain. You wanna determine where your people are hurting, your audience. Where are they hurting? And you wanna create content around identifying some solutions for that because that’s your first step.

Terry Brock [00:00:43]:
You wanna know what that is, and you wanna show show some specific real world examples and results. So some specific tests. One of the things we can do with that is with surveys. You have done a lot with surveys for our star craving entrepreneurs and for others working with your clients. Tell me a little bit about surveys, the benefits of that, and what we need to know about it.

Gina Carr [00:01:04]:
Well, thanks so much. Yes. A big part of what I’m constantly talking about is when you’re thinking about marketing and getting new customers is who do you serve and what problem do you solve? Those are my 2 big questions. And with surveys, you can easily find out it will really help you to find out who you serve and what problem you’re solving. And so we use those at the end of our courses. We use them during, our program just to to find out how things are going. 2 of my favorite tools to use for surveys these days are Google Forms. So with Google Forms, they’re fantastic because they’re they’re collaborative.

Gina Carr [00:01:47]:
They easily let you look at the data, the results in text form or in pie chart, I mean, excuse me, spreadsheet form. So they’re they’re very powerful. That way, they make it so that you can easily collaborate with your team members or with the people who took the survey. So that’s really terrific. And then we’ve also recently turned on Zoom surveys so that after people leave our meetings, the ones we’ve designated in particular for our start creating entrepreneurs programs, they are immediately surveyed. And they can give a quick rating, and then they can give more detail if they’d like. And we’re getting some gold mine results with with those surveys.

Terry Brock [00:02:30]:
Yeah, Jean. We really are. I like that because we get the feedback right away. It’s right at the end of the Zoom meeting. It just pops on the screen. There it is. They have the option to take it. And one of the things I like best is it can be anonymous.

Terry Brock [00:02:41]:
So that way, if someone said, I didn’t care for the oodly bootlies that you did, because they didn’t like oodleboodles or whatever. You know, they put that in there. Well, we can go in there and we can realize, people said that. They’re gonna be more likely to talk about that. And I think that’s good. Another way we found that has worked really well is when you start talking to people. Now, I know that sounds kinda silly. Some people think, well, what do you mean talking to people? Well, too often, people wanna talk to people.

Terry Brock [00:03:05]:
They wanna start telling them, look, I did this and I did that, and I’m doing so well at this and then then then. And it’s all about themselves. What you wanna do is you wanna talk to them and you wanna ask a lot of questions. I love the way my buddy, Chris Brogan, talks about it. He says, we need to grow bigger ears. Listen more. Listen to what people are looking at, how they’re doing it, and the kind of things that are possible there where they are hurting. Now another thing that we can do with this is looking at some online research.

Terry Brock [00:03:32]:
Gina, I know you have done a lot with this as well. With chat gpt, perplexity, Tell us a little bit about what you’ve experienced and any cautions you’ve seen in that.

Gina Carr [00:03:41]:
Well, I’m constantly using these tools, especially Perplexity, to ask questions about all sorts of things. My professional life as well as in my personal life, it’s giving me a lot of great answers. So online research, you can ask it a lot about what your target audience is thinking, what problems they’re experiencing, and you will be shocked to see how how accurate the results are.

Terry Brock [00:04:10]:
Yeah. They can be very accurate. I think it’s good when we go back and we take a look at them to find out what’s there. Now another thing that we can do is take a look at here’s one clever one that we have discovered in our start raving entrepreneurs. We do breakout rooms. We have a meeting where we talk about something that’s very important. We have a special guest come in or we talk about it ourselves. Gina might present something.

Terry Brock [00:04:29]:
I might present something. And then we go into breakout rooms where they have groups of 2 to 3, maybe 4, and get a chance to really go in-depth on it. What did you like about this? What did you not like about it? And then when we come back to the general session, we are saying things like, okay, what did you cover in your group that was very important? What did you discover? What kind of things are there for, what’s going on and how you can use this? There’s a lot of capability there, and so that’s something you don’t wanna neglect. Look into the possibilities of that. Now there’s another way you can do it that I love to do this incredibly well. I know, Gina, you have done a lot with this as well. It’s like looking at Reddit where people can express some, real personal opinions. Tell us what you’ve discovered with

Gina Carr [00:05:11]:
that. Well, can go into subreddits and you can really drill down on a very specific topic with people who are extremely knowledgeable. So they’re giving a lot of answers. Sometimes they’re wrong, but they’re still giving answers of of what they think and and what solutions are to different problems. And you can also hear directly from the people who are having those problems, who are asking their questions. So taking those answers, you it they can really help you craft some powerful content in the form of your post, social post, your videos, as well as for courses and other programs that you would want to create.

Terry Brock [00:05:57]:
Yeah. Very important. I think this is good so we can tap into that. Now there’s one other thing we wanna tell you about that can be really good. I just used this recently for a presentation I made as a professional speaker, speak to a lot of different groups. I was speaking to a particular group of people who were working with delis and bakeries and a lot that’s going on there. So I went over to, Perplexity. Perplexity gave me a list of, items of what’s going on in their industry.

Terry Brock [00:06:19]:
And I asked it, what’s going on for the rest of the year? So as we the meeting was in June, and I wanted to know, okay, for the second half of the year, what’s going on? What’s hot that we might not know about right now? You can bet they were very interested in that. So what I did is I just got that, made it into a Google Doc for them, and gave it to them. So they had that. Boy, they loved that. And this is something that can be really, really important. So you wanna take a look at all those kind of things. Now there’s a second thing you can do also to really start getting, in tune with what you wanna do and things things that you don’t wanna do. First of all, I recommend that you be yourself.

Terry Brock [00:06:55]:
Be yourself. Be there as the authentic you. I often say you need to you ize it. In other words, you gotta make it you and personal rather than it being from AI. Make sure that it’s your style, your voice, your way of doing things, and you wanna make sure that as you do it, well, you’re authentic. That’s gonna be one of the most important parts of it in being able to, do that. And also, another very important thing, we know this from the world of professional speaking, don’t steal others’ material. Don’t take stuff from them.

Terry Brock [00:07:25]:
Make sure that you’ve got it. And if you are going to quote them, that’s good. That shows you’ve done your research. Make sure you attribute that attribute or you attribute. Yeah. I’ll say attribute that to them and make sure that it’s really good. And what you wanna do is, be careful what people I saw. When I years ago, I started, there was a prominent speaker many of you know, Zig Ziglar.

Terry Brock [00:07:47]:
Zig Ziglar was just one of the best speakers around. I consider him a friend and I had a chance to talk with him, interview him. We were both in the speaker hall of fame and, received the Cabot from the National Speakers Association, the highest award. It only won each year. But I talked to Zig. He talked about how we can get ahead, the great things to do. What I found interesting though is many people started trying to imitate Zig. He had a style.

Terry Brock [00:08:09]:
Sometimes he’d get on the stage and he would throw his hands out like that. It goes off the screen there when I do it here. Throw them out on his knees and he would make a point, and he did it in a way that was profound, very professional. It looked great. It endeared him to the audience. Many other people tried to do that themselves. And the problem is when they did it, we just realized, come on. You’re just trying to be like Zig, and don’t do that.

Terry Brock [00:08:31]:
What you wanna do is do your own thing. And speaking of that, Gina, I wanna get your thoughts on this as well, something that I have been talking about a lot, and I think you would agree with me on this. What we wanna do is you want to u i’s it. What I mean by that is you want to if it’s you, Gina, you want to Ginaize it. If it’s someone named Mary, you want to Maryize it. Or John, will Johnize it? For me, Terry, I like to Terryize it. Sounds kinda fun on that. But, Gina, tell me what your thoughts are on that and what that means.

Gina Carr [00:09:01]:
Well, it’s something that we’ve been talking about for quite a while with our community members and our clients, and people seem to really pick up on it. You eyes it. Okay. Yes. I’m gonna make it my own. I have this generic AI content. How can I make that generic AI content, which often is very good information, but how can I add my own story, my own experience, something that’s much more personal to me, and then use that as sort of a use the AI as a frame around it? But the bulk of it is you, your your own experience and how that relates to the problem you’re solving.

Terry Brock [00:09:43]:
Yes. Absolutely. Now here’s another one too. What you wanna do is you wanna look at something of our friend, Sally Hogshead, who’s also a speaker hall of fame member. She says different is better than better. What what does that mean? Well, as Sally explains it very well, she says, you wanna make sure that you’re not just better than someone because then you get into a competition. Well, you were good at this, but I was that much better, a little bit better. Rather than that, you wanna say, woah, completely different, which gives you a whole different advantage of how to look at someone.

Terry Brock [00:10:14]:
This person is a person that is different, and they’re really good at what they’re doing. Think of a way you can do that in the work that you’re doing. And that kinda relates to another thing called a category of 1. Gina, what are your thoughts on the category of 1 and what that means?

Gina Carr [00:10:31]:
Well, a category of 1 is where people think of you. When they have that problem that only you can solve and it’s for your perfect target audience, they will think of you. You are the category of 1, the one that can solve that problem for those people. And so you wanna be top of mind in that. And so that’s one of the things that you can do with the content you’re creating and getting out of the out into the world. And one of the reasons that you’re creating this content and getting it out into this world is so that people know that you are the one to con to contact when they have this problem or when they hear of someone who has the problem.

Terry Brock [00:11:12]:
Yeah. I think so. Jeanne, you raise a very good point there. It’s like you’re the 1, the category 1. It’s like there’s only one do it. We gotta get her. She is the best on that anywhere. And then there’s another area that can be really important.

Terry Brock [00:11:23]:
When you’re building your content, you’re putting it out there, make sure that you include those very important CTAs. That’s the calls to action. What it is is some way for you to connect with the audience and provide extra value for them. You wanna make it easy for them to do business with you. What you really want is that combination of business where it’s affordable for them, profitable for you, and everyone wins. That’s really what the free market system is all about when we talk about live and let live. That’s what it is. It’s the idea you do what you wanna do, Don’t harm others.

Terry Brock [00:11:57]:
Don’t take their stuff. Peacefully do that, and you’re gonna provide some way for them to get value. And having a call to action makes a lot of sense. You’ve got something there. What you wanna do is a formula that’s worked well. Gina, I want you to tell us a little bit about this more because you know what we’re talking about here. It’s an opportunity to find out more for something that is free. Now that sounds good, but tell me a little bit more about that and what your experience has been.

Gina Carr [00:12:22]:
Well, sometimes it can be totally free, such as you suggest they watch another one of your videos or that they read an article that doesn’t require any sort of an opt in. So that’s free. Let’s just call it free free. But then there’s also free, but you do need to give your email address. And that’s what we call in the marketing business an opt in, opt in called a lead magnet. So this might be a quiz or a survey or some sort of a a really juicy resource that complements whatever it was that was talked about in the video or in the, content so so that they want to get that in exchange for their email address. So those are a couple levels to get people to take a call to action. Certainly, you can ask for something more direct, such as joining you on an event or even buying a ticket for something or or buying into a program.

Gina Carr [00:13:17]:
But often, in these sorts of public, levels of content, you’re going to want to keep it free. Maybe invite someone for a discovery call. That’s a very popular option with our thought leaders.

Terry Brock [00:13:29]:
Yeah. I think that’s really good because, Gina, what it is, you’re getting someone in. It’s part of the steps they go through. They get the free information. They get a chance to know you. And then what they do is they know about you. They kinda like that as well. They go, hey, I know her.

Terry Brock [00:13:42]:
I like her some stuff. And they do that as they go through so you know and they like you, then they begin to trust you. And as they trust you more, they’re gonna do it. Content marketing is the way to do that. We’ve heard about this kind of procedure that know, like, and trust for years, for decades, probably even longer. But it’s still relevant today, but now content is one of the best ways to do that. And one of the ways we wanna do that is to help you and give you a lot of different, areas that you can use. We’ve got our own AI tools for biz that’ll be coming available for you, and we’re gonna be talking about that at the end.

Terry Brock [00:14:14]:
Some of you might seen have seen that and used it already. It gives you a lot of capability to find out about these. So stay tuned to the end of this video. We’re gonna show you how to get that. But I wanna tell you about another thing that’s possible, and that is asking people for a discovery call. This is where someone is interested in you you, they’re interested in the services you have, a discovery call for a short period of time, 10 minutes, 15, 20 minutes, whatever you might want. You talk to them either over the phone or a Zoom call, and you find out what it is they’re going through. What are their challenges? How can you help them given the tools that you have, the resources you have, what you know, and how you’re gonna be able to help them out? You’re able to do that, and that discovery call gives you the ability to do it in a really, really nice way.

Terry Brock [00:15:02]:
And then number 5, we’re giving you the 5 steps here, is standing out in your content in a favorable way. This is really important. And, Gina, I know you have covered a lot with that about how to stand out, how to do it right using some different tools. Tell us a little bit about how you have seen that work effectively.

Gina Carr [00:15:21]:
Well, I think, a big part of that today is creating video. And, certainly, YouTube is a great platform for that. I know there are a lot of other platforms where you can post videos, and and there’s good reasons to to do that. But, gosh, YouTube is so powerful and has such a long, long tail, such as people may be looking at this video weeks or years after we’ve recorded it because it’s still relevant to content creators who wanna convert their content into cash. These are ways to stand out. So, because of YouTube’s search engine, that makes it possible and more likely that they’re going to see a video like this years down the road than they would on another platform, which is their algorithms. Let’s say Facebook and LinkedIn, the algorithms are very much geared to what’s happening now or what’s happened just now. So that’s that’s one of the reasons that, that I think creating video as your main point of contact and then amplifying the content from the video in numerous different ways, trickling out through the different platforms to drive people back to the video is a a great strategy in what we’ve done for ourselves as well as our clients.

Gina Carr [00:16:38]:

Terry Brock [00:16:39]:
I think that’s very good. I agree with you, Gina, on that. And I think one of the things you wanna do is make it you. Again, we’re talking about you izing it, I mentioned before. Use that. And one of the ways you can do that is use your vocal tone. Who you are, the way you do it, the little quirks where it’s funny and appropriate, use that. And you don’t have to be funny.

Terry Brock [00:16:56]:
You can do it if you want or you can make a point, but just be you. Be genuine and authentic. And bring in some b roll. That can help as well. You wanna make sure that it’s, aligned with what is, on the screen, and it’s something that they can use. And then I would say also, as we wrap up these, particular five points, provide the research. This sets you apart from others. You can do it very easily now.

Terry Brock [00:17:20]:
I use Perplexity, and I use the academic and Wolfram technologies that they have built in there for the focus. You go into Perplexity, ask for focus, you can look at academic research. That way you can say, not only do I think this, and not only do I think this is a good idea, but a recent study was done at the University of Oogidy Boogidy with professor Smith and professor Jones, and they found that a, b, and c. And also, another university over here, Eagly Weeklies, and Professor Johnson and Merackintosh, they came up with this idea, etcetera, etcetera. This adds credibility to who you are. And so with perplexity, you can do that for free and able to, make it work really, really well. So a lot of good stuff there that are available that you can tap into and start using to move ahead. Gina, any final words you wanna say before we, move on to that special gift that we’re gonna don’t leave right now, but the special gift we’re gonna give you.

Terry Brock [00:18:14]:
Gina’s got some few words. What would you say as we look at all of these together?

Gina Carr [00:18:19]:
Well, friends, I I think that Terry has just given you a great example of how to u ize it with his university of oogley boogley and his iggly wiggly and and his facial expressions and all that he’s doing. So this is a great example of how to put your personality into the video and make it your own. I don’t think you’re gonna find University of Oogly Boogly on, chat GPT or Proplexion.

Terry Brock [00:18:44]:
Not be there. Yeah. I don’t think that

Gina Carr [00:18:45]:
ask it unless you ask it to create it in the voice of Jerry Brock.

Terry Brock [00:18:50]:
Yeah. I guess you could do that. So I could. So you see, this is what creating is all about. It’s what it takes for succeeding today, how you can get ahead, and what you can do. This way, you get some solid repeat business as you’re using to turn content into cash. That’s the key. Content to cash is what we’re all about here at Stark Raving Entrepreneurs.

Terry Brock [00:19:09]:
And we’ve got some extra videos for you that are coming up. And matter of fact, what we wanna do is give you some extra goodies. We told you about that, tool that we have. Well, first of all, you can find out about that at Come come on by there. And on the video here, like this. Please like it and share it and subscribe to this. Because then that tells the algorithms, hey, hey, people like this kind of stuff, and it’ll say you like it, so you get to hear even more of that.

Terry Brock [00:19:34]:
Stark raving entrepreneurs is the place to go, and here’s where you find out about the AI goodies that we promised you. This is cool, and we keep changing and adding more goodies to this all the time. Go to And that’s all in lowercase, aitools, the number 4, Those of you catching this on video, you’ll see we got a QR code there for you. And if you’re not, hey, you’re gonna be able to catch all kinds of good information on Canva, on DALL E 3 for creating the images, chat gpt. Matter of fact, chat gpt is we’re recording this for o is incredible. That’s omni, o, not 0, but o as in omni.

Terry Brock [00:20:17]:
Lexica Art, great place to get good art. Noodly is a great place where you could have an AI speech coach help you to get better. You got an important interview coming up or a presentation coming up, online or not online. You can use Yoodly to get a lot more information on that. Also, we talk about a open AI and stable diffusion. So a lot of good stuff in there for you that we wanna give you. And we’re gonna give you even more. Here’s a QR code.

Terry Brock [00:20:42]:
I know you got your phone with you. You can do that. Those of you catching this on video, there’s the QR code. You can pause this, jump over there and grab it for free, no charge whatsoever. This is our lead magnet. This is our tool that we let you have so you get a chance to know us, and you get a chance to get on our newsletter that way. And if you think, hey, I don’t need this anymore, you can opt out very easily and quickly. And another thing we wanna give you as a final gift, some videos here that are going on right now.

Terry Brock [00:21:07]:
You see that you wanna watch these. They’re gonna help you to accomplish the kind of things that you want and to achieve those goals. For Gina Carr, this is Terry Brock, and I wanna thank you for being with us today. We look forward to seeing you here again.

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