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7 Relationship Farming Steps To Build Better Relationships & Grow Sales



7 Smart Strategies to Get The Results You Need in Sales and Building Relationships

By Terry Brock

Have you noticed that the best marketers and salespeople regularly seem to do what others don’t? They are willing to pay the price to get ahead. In my seminars I talk about what works and how to achieve success with Relationship Farming. Here are some traits I’ve found by studying for those seminars that top professionals practice regardless of their industry. These 7 advanced-level strategies will give you a decisive advantage in achieving your goals.

    1. Study The Market. This is critical for Relationship Farming. Know what is working today, where pain exists and how you can best implement solutions. Don’t assume. You need to have what Air Force pilots call Situational Awareness. Know what is going on around you by reading, attending seminars and webinars, and listening (more than talking!). This  practice is on-going and never stops. Curtail TV and feed your brain with an  information-rich diet of podcasts, articles & videos which can generate more sales.
    2. Study People. Learn specifics about important people. You have to do your homework (Think Linkedin, Twitter & Facebook). Know the likes and dislikes of key people. Harvey Mackay’s “Mackay 66” makes a lot of sense here. It takes time, effort and a well-oiled and finely-tuned system. Don’t just think you’ll do it from memory. You’re good, but not that good, Sparky! Don’t be the 19 yr. old jerk who jumps too far too fast in trying to build a relationship. Think Relationship Farming. Plant seeds. Cultivate. Nurture Relationships. Maintain consistent application of sound Relationship Marketing principles to succeed.
    3. Stay Away From Stupid. Don’t do what doesn’t work and hurts!  Always be on guard for what can happen in two ways: 1) Be aware of potential dangers, and, 2) Watch out for serendipitous opportunities and be ready to take advantage of them.
    4. Strengthen Your Smart Persistence. Smart Persistence means applying brainpower to your determination to get the best results.   You’re in this one for the long term, junior. Don’t give up when a couple of thunderstorms knock down a fence in the back 40. Don’t quit because some wolves broke through and destroyed some crops in the south valley. Know when to stay in the game –- and when to say good-bye. Well-meaning and otherwise outstanding salespeople sometimes make a mistake of staying with something that won’t ever work. When someone is just pulling your chain and will never contribute value to the relationship, wish them well and say, “Adios, muchacho.” Don’t waste time with someone who doesn’t embrace value-for-value living. Focus on those who are most open to a relationship with you. This is where you have to do your homework beforehand for qualification.
    5. Build Relationships For The Long Term – Connections are critical. Know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody. Make sure your network is expanding, growing and vibrant. Every day do something to sow seeds for the future. You’re a Relationship Farmer who is tiling, sowing and planting every day. Develop muscular systems that can handle the rough and tumble of the real world.
    6. Constantly Focus On Increasing Your Connections & Knowledge Base. Hint: Your knowledge base will lead to further connections when you apply it right. Use the power of social media to connect with your connections’ connections. It’s not just who you know but who your connections know. Bonus – Devour information about new technologies which can give you a quantum leap over the competition. I’m constantly working with new tools to get more done in less time.
    7. Apologize Quickly When You Blow It. Hey, you’re human. You are going to make mistakes now and then. When you blow it –- and even the best will from time to time –- take responsibility and correct your behavior quickly by apologizing, making amends and resolving to change for the better next time. This saves a lot of anguish and helps you pick yourself up quickly and move on to the next victory. It also helps nurture precious relationships.

Relationship Marketing takes time, money and energy to deploy effectively. The best salespeople use these and other tools and techniques to achieve the best. Be willing to pay the price and you’ll have a bountiful harvest.

Thank you for joining me. Please share this with your community so they can benefit. They will appreciate you helping them.


Terry L. Brock,
Member, Professional Speaker Hall of Fame

2018 Recipient of the National Speakers Association’s Highest Award, The Cavett

Master of Ceremonies
Professional Video Coach
Chief Retail Advisor – Ace Hardware Global Solutions Academy
Training Ace Retail Dealers,

@TerryBrock – Twitter
@terrybrock – Steemit


00:00:02.100 –> 00:00:09.330
being successful is not something that just happens by chance. It’s something that you have to plan for and you have to take the steps to make it happen.

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Have you noticed that the best marketers are the sales people who really know what to do regularly and they

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Don’t do those things that others define distracting they instead of focusing on what’s going to get the job done. They’re willing to pay the price to get ahead.

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In my seminars I talking about what works from time to time on

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Relationship farming. I like that. I grew up in the Midwest. We didn’t live on a farm ourselves, but we had farms all around us and I saw them. I learned certain principles there.

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Really worked in farming in the real world, that also work in business. Here’s some traits. I want to share with you seven of these

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That are going to help you and you can use and start implementing in your practice and their advanced level strategies that give you a real advantage. Number one study the market.

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This is critical for relationship marketing and relationship farming know what is working today where the pain exists and how you can best implement these solutions.

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Don’t assume you need to have what Air Force professionals call situational awareness, you got to be aware. Hey, what’s going on around you got to read stay up to date with what’s going on in the current affairs.

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attend seminars attend, though the webinars. Find out what’s going on. And here’s something you want to do curtail the needless TV.

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When it’s a waste of your time. You know, you’re not going to use this, you’re just kind of jelly, jelly out

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And just going, Oh, I don’t want to do that. How have you invested that time in

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Reading something that would be really good enriching your mind or something that’s going to you’re going to listen to, or even meditating that can really rest your mind, much more than a TV.

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You want to do it that way number to study people learn specifics about important people. Yeah, you have to do your homework, you got to think about

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How you study someone on LinkedIn on Facebook, on Twitter, maybe Instagram study what they’re doing what they’re thinking. Get to know them.

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Know the likes and dislikes of the key people Harvey MacKay talks about it in his Mackay 66

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He collects 66 questions on people and get a chance to know about them, not just their name and where they live, address, phone number, those kind of thing. Yeah, that’s nice to know but

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You want to know what’s their preference on this. Where did they go to school or the religious if so, where are they

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Family married any children, etc. Little things like that. You want to just collect it. See, you don’t want to be like some 19 year old jerk who walks in and he goes too far too fast and trying to build a relationship. Okay, don’t do that. You know, it’s not like I certainly don’t do that.

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Anymore. So it’s one of those things you got to be careful you gradually build you start that you think relationship farm and you start by planting the seeds, then you cultivate you nurture relationships. You mean can

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Maintain consistent application of sound relationship marketing principles. That’s what you do to succeed. Number three, stay away from stupid.

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Don’t do what doesn’t work in hurts. I’m not talking about a person that I’m talking about the concept of stupid.

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Always be on guard for what can happen in two ways. Number one, be aware of potential dangers in number to

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Watch out for those serendipitous opportunities and be ready to take advantage of them. When you see a good option that’s available. Number four, strengthen your smart.

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Persistence smart persistence is what I call a term that means applying brainpower to your determination to get the results you’re in this one for the long term.

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Don’t give up. When a couple of thunderstorms knocking down in the fence or the back 40 or something. This happens in farming.

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You don’t quit because some wolves broke through and destroyed some of the crops in the south Valley, you know when to stay in the game and when to say goodbye.

00:03:45.120 –> 00:03:50.670
Well, meaning and otherwise outstanding sales people sometimes make a mistake of staying with something that just doesn’t work at all.

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In farming, sometimes you go, you know, in that location in that field. This kind of crop just doesn’t work. So you would just also with the market says

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You know, we don’t need any more of those. There’s just so many of them right now. The price Autumn is falling.

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Well, then maybe you need to plant something else, something else. It’s going to be a little bit better.

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You see, we also need to be careful of staying away from the people that are aggravating yeah when someone’s pulling your chain.

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And they say, hey, we’re going to try to hurt you or they’re going to try to do this way. I found out you just wish them well and say Adios, amigos.

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Goodbye, you get away from them. Don’t waste time with people who really don’t value a relationship. They don’t value the principle of value for value living

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In other words, you focus on, you’re going to give value and you get value in return in business, often that’s money. That’s good. But often it’s you do a favor for someone you don’t. People say, hey, I owe you want

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And when they do that you build those relationships that way, focus on those who are most open to a relationship with you and really serious about this is where you get to do your homework beforehand for qualification.

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Number five, build relationships for the long term.

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connections are critical. You want to know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody so much of my business success has come because of that I’m working on a big project right now that is just huge and

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It’s because somebody knew me who knew somebody who knew somebody literally was a little chain like that the person eventually that went to hire me.

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With someone I had no idea who they were and would have been real tough to get through to them, but by knowing that it works out really well.

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You want to be a relationship farmer who is constantly telling and sowing and planning every day.

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Develop muscular systems that can handle the rough and tumble of the real world. Number six, constantly focus on increasing your connections and knowledge base. Hey. Here’s a hint.

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The knowledge base will lead to further connections when you apply it right, use the power of social media to connect with your connections is connections you notice I say that connections is because there’s an apostrophe after that so

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You want to make sure that it’s not just who you know. But it’s who knows you in a favorable way and number seven.

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Apologize quickly when you blow it because hey you’re human. We are all going to make mistakes. Now, when that hey, just happens. And when you blow it.

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Even the best of us will from time to time take responsibility and correct your behavior quickly.

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By apologizing making amends and resolve to change for better the next time and then make sure you do it, don’t just have the words of, oh yeah, I apologize.

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Put it into action. Make sure it’s there because these things are going to happen from time to time.

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This saves a lot of anguish and it helps you pick up yourself and get moving in the right direction, much more quickly and on to the next factory and it also helps to nurture those precious relationships.

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Relationship marketing takes time, money and energy to deploy it effectively the best salespeople. The best business people the best people in the wife.

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Are those who use tools and other techniques to achieve very best that they want to be. Be willing to pay the price.

00:06:57.660 –> 00:07:02.880
And you’ll have a bountiful harvest today. Thank you so much for joining me. I really appreciate you being here.

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Appreciate you being part of what we’re doing here. We want to share this word, with the world so please share this with your community, you can

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Upload it on steam it that would really help a lot. We really appreciate those follow me on Steam. It can see that if you’re getting this on YouTube. By all means.

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Subscribe to that we would love to have you back and then share this with your community, I’m Terry Brock at Terry Brock calm and I look forward to hearing from you.

Contact Terry

Are you looking for an in-person or virtual speaker who will add the perfect spark to your next event? Or an author for your next bestseller? Or maybe a technology coach to help you leverage the future to hit your goals? Contact Terry and let’s see if he’s the right fit!