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7 ways to grab attention in today’s ‘I’m-too-busy-to-listen-to-you’ world

Business people discussing the growth of income at a table in the office

Relationship marketing requires continual work.

A part of that work is to get the attention of important people. This is the initial step in beginning the customer journey to find you and begin that relationship.

A while back, I was able to talk with Sam Horn, an expert on getting and keeping attention. She quoted Eleanor Cliff stating a profound truth in today’s hotly-competitive world: “We’re all in a race to be relevant.”

Sam Horn’s book, “Got Your Attention?” cites several ways you can be relevant and grab attention today. You will want to check out the video interview I had with her at:

7 ways to get attention

Getting attention and being relevant to important people is vital for relationship marketing to work. Here are some tips to grab attention in today’s “I’m too busy to listen to you” world:

1. Develop these two traits

You need both a pleasant demeanor and valuable expertise to get others to pay attention. If you have valuable expertise and are difficult to get along with, you’ll only get business when customers have no one else available. At the first chance, people will leave the obnoxious expert if they find another source that can fulfill at least most of their needs. You also need to have more than just a great smile and handshake. You have to have expertise that buyers value. Become the Go To person in your niche. Keep polishing both these areas continually.

2. Think 3-D gifts

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