Here’s a great tool I just found out about that you could use on your Blog.
Need a picture? You can get a very good picture with Post Pin (http:/ In searching through the various pictures available, I’ve been impressed with their quality and the
abundance of images. They tie into Flikr and the Creative Commons meaning that you can use these with your Blog in a variety of ways.
This can be particularly important in your blog as you wish to attract more attention. Pictures do it. The more memorable the pictures, the better.
With a tool like Post Pin, you have the opportunity to highlight your writing and grab more attention for your blog.
Think about the possibilities. I’d love to hear from you. Drop me a Tweet on Twitter – @TerryBrock – and let me what you think.
In the meantime, enjoy some of these pix
Terry Brock,, @TerryBrock – Twitter
photo credit: Stuck in Customs via photo pin cc