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Control Stage Fright- Dr. Bill Lampton Shares Powerful Secrets

stage fright

Business-Building Action from Terry Brock

Bill Lampton, PhD, shares his ideas on how you can control stage fright and achieve success in speaking

Stage fright is something that people encounter when giving a presentation. Yet, one of the best ways you can build your career is through speaking. So, how do you control that fright?

In this video I talk with Dr. Bill Lampton who is an expert communicator. He makes it a point that we do not “eradicate” stage fright, but rather you “control” it. There is a key difference.

Dr. Lampton is a former college professor in the area of communication and is now a professional speaker and executive coach for business leaders who need to present. We covered a lot of ground in this video and I highlight key passages from his new book, 25 Ways To Control Your Stage Fright And Become A Highly Confident Speaker. You’ll enjoy this video, even if you’re a seasoned speaker as you pick up new ideas and reinforce important concepts.

Please share this with your Twitter, Facebook and other social media communities. This is a powerful way to help others who might be scared of that presentations coming up and they need help. Let me know if you have further questions where I can help you. I regularly work with organizations who need help in marketing, social media and deploying the latest and most effective uses of video technology.

I look forward to hearing from you!

All the best,


Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Member, Professional Speaker Hall of Fame
Certified Speaking Professional

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Are you looking for an in-person or virtual speaker who will add the perfect spark to your next event? Or an author for your next bestseller? Or maybe a technology coach to help you leverage the future to hit your goals? Contact Terry and let’s see if he’s the right fit!