Today’s world is moving faster. Anyone in business can see that.
As an example, we saw two major changes in the world of book publishing that can have profound impact on you as a reader and if you are an author. The video on this issue (2:50) details that and gives you some ideas where you can capitalize on the trends.
Watch this video and think about how you can deploy the kind of work that you need to stay current in this faster-changing (not just “fast-changing”) world.
Then, help other by leaving a comment below. Community is strong today and no one can make it alone. Leave your ideas and comments on how you’re embracing digital to change faster and get more done.
I look forward to hearing from you.
By the way, watch the video in full screen so you can read the text easier! Click the “expand” button in the lower-right corner of the YouTube player. You’ll be glad you did!
Terry L. Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Member, Professional Speakers Hall of Fame
Certified Speaking Professional
Editor-in-Chief, AT&T Networking Exchange Blog,