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Don’t make this fatal relationship marketing mistake

Don’t make this fatal relationship marketing mistake

Relationship marketing is vital for your business and career success. It is also much more than the one person with whom you are connecting at the moment. It is people in the network around the person you are currently talking to.

Too many shortsighted people try to evaluate if talking to a given person is going to be worth it to “make the sale” at that moment. They often disregard or discount a person because that person might not be able to purchase their products or services now.

This is shortsighted thinking. It is often a fatal mistake in relationship marketing.

What that shortsighted thinker is doing is forgetting that the person has a network of many people that they know. When you talk to one person envision the connections in the community that that person knows. They might not be able to buy your product or service right now. However, they are able to share with others their knowledge about you and be able to help you in a very positive way.

Developing empathy

Relationship marketing is about the connections you make. It is also about how you can contribute to the connections that you make and how you can help them in their network. This is why it is so important to listen and develop empathy with others and try to understand the world from their point of view.

The shortsighted salesperson is naïve and only sees life from his or her own point of view. Truly successful sales people grow to develop empathy to care for others. The more mature sales person sees life from the other person’s point of view and tries to understand how their life can be impacted in a positive way. Sometimes it will be with your own product or services. Often there might not be a direct correlation between what you offer and what they need. Never let that stop your empathy flow.

Authentic connections

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