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Great Analytics About Twitter — What’s Really Going On

Find out how is happening with the market, at an event and more. I just discovered a new product that helps you find out what is going on with specific Twitter feeds.

We know that using Twitter is hot. It has gone WAY beyond the “My cat is sleeping” tweets of so long ago. Please! That is SO 2007!

Today, successfuTwiterAnalyticsl marketers are using the power of Twitter — along with a hefty dose of Big Data! — to decipher what the heck the market is saying and doing. The idea is that people using Twitter, and how they say it can give you a sneak peek into what they really think — if you know how to grab the data, analyze it and make the right decisions. This is really where major decisions are being made today.

TwitBinderThe problem comes in that it has taken a MASSIVE amount of time, money and effort to figure out how all that magic is happening. However, as it usually happens on the Net and with technology, someone has come out with a product that gives you a rather handy tool that helps you find out what is going on and how to determine what matters. This goes way beyond “your gut feeling” and looks at what is really happening and it breaks down the info in several meaningful ways.

And the best part is that the product, like most good products do today. starts with a version that doesn’t cost you at all. The are preparing a premium version to be released later. For now, you get to find out about this in this video. No, I’m not selling you anything here. Nothing. Nada! ???????????? (Russian for “Nothing at all!”)

In this video I interview Javier Abengo, the CEO of a start-up called TweetBinder. He talks about and then demonstrates their new product. This is really cool. When I saw it I wanted to share it with you.

Spend a little time watching this video and you’ll be glad. Hang in there with the sound and video as there were a couple of places where their bandwidth was dicey. The Skype video we did was with me in Orlando and Javier in their offices in Pampalona Spain. Javier told me that is where they do the “Run with the Bulls” festival. Perhaps the bulls were interfering with Skype’s bandwidth, I don’t know!

Either way, serious marketers will want to watch this and then get the free product. If you attend or run events, this is a must-have tool. If you want to know what the competition is doing and what others are saying about the competition, this is a tool you gotta’ get.

Have fun with it. Enjoy! I look forward to getting your comments. Send me a comment on Twitter – @TerryBrock. You can also send a comment to the folks at TweetBinder on Twitter – @TweetBinder.

This is a tool you want to know about and use for serious marketing benefits.


Terry Brock
Achievement Systems, Inc.
Twitter – @TerryBrock
Facebook –



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