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How to Master Changes in Technology

I love technology! It can help us get more done, make life better for people, and improve business. However, there is a flip side. Sometimes we get overwhelmed with it. Can you relate to that?

Well, here are some steps that can help you overcome being overwhelmed with technology. Here are five that you might want to keep in mind when you start feeling overwhelmed and need to overcome that feeling.

Step #1 – Focus on your customer

This is business. It is very easy to be distracted with all the new that is continually thrust in front of us. Remember that the reason you’re in business is to make life better for others by providing your products and services. Find out where prospects and customers are hurting or where they could use help. Make that your focus for every decision. Businesses lose ground when they take their eyes off serving the customer. Make customer service your number one focus.

Step #2 – Scan from a variety of sources

It is a good idea to read widely and expose your attention to a variety of trusted sources. Since technology is changing so rapidly today, no one source can be the repository of everything you need. Make it your goal to continually find trusted sources who are scanning for you. Many of these are free. Some require an investment. Good filters and trusted sources are well worth that investment.

Step # 3 – Make your filters extra strong

In a world that has a flood of distractions hitting you every day, you want to have filters that are stronger than rhinoceros skin. This means you’re going to say no often. This is one of the steps I talked about in a recent TEDx talk
In that presentation I recommended you say no regularly and emphatically to those things which don’t align with your goals. This gives you the ability to enthusiastically say yes do those choices which align with what is right for you and your business.

Step # 4 – Don’t get all a-twitter (pardon the pun) about every new shiny object.

It is not your job to know everything about every new trend, technology or new thinga-ma-bob (technical term).  I confess that I find it alluring to read about new gizmos, gadgets, and trends in technology. Hey, that’s my job as a technology speaker and writer! However, even I have to put up limits and stay away from new shiny objects that grab my attention and pull me away from top priorities. Remain focused on those activities and tasks that are most important for you and your goals.

Step # 5 –  Embrace analog solutions where appropriate

Sometimes what worked in the past is still valid today. Sometimes, the analog or more traditional approach, can beat the new whizbang shiny new object. When everyone gets a lot of email messages, sometimes a hand written post card or letter can have a profound effect connecting with people in relationship marketing. Sometimes making a direct personal call can get more business done faster than the most eloquent text message. Use the appropriate tools to achieve the solutions you need.

You can overcome being overwhelmed with technology. Embrace these steps to get started and you’ll be able to achieve more of the business goals you have.

Contact Terry

Are you looking for an in-person or virtual speaker who will add the perfect spark to your next event? Or an author for your next bestseller? Or maybe a technology coach to help you leverage the future to hit your goals? Contact Terry and let’s see if he’s the right fit!