Technology is great. It helps us to get more done, connect with others more and has advanced the living standards of human beings dramatically. Medical and dental technology are so far ahead of where they were even a few years ago, that we don’t want to go back.
However, there is a dark side. It can be overwhelming. This often happens when we have expectations that are pressing based on our desired outcomes. Health care professionals and psychologists have long told us about the dangers of taking on more than we can handle.
I like studying this phenomenon particularly as it relates to using technology. We can’t, and really don’t want to, give up technology. But somehow, someway, we have to overcome overwhelmed.
I recently covered these ideas and more in a TEDxBocaRaton talk. You’ll enjoy this as you experience the possibilities —- and some fun!
Here are 5 steps you can take today to overcome overwhelmed:
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