CES 2015 – Terry Brock talks with Consumer Electronics Association President & CEO, Gary Shapiro, about new trends with technology and opportunities today
Dateline: Las Vegas, Nevada
I’m at the Consumer Electronics Show. This is where I get together with about 150,000 of my closest friends (!) and see some of the latest technological advances on the planet right now. Yes, I’m like a kid in a candy store (thank you Barry Banther for that Facebook comment!). I like to call this, “The land of gizmos, gadgets and geeks galore!”
Well aside from geeking out about it (yes, I have to do a little of that!), I had the chance to talk with Gary Shapiro, who knows as much or more than anyone about what is happening with technology on the planet. To say Gary is optimistic is like saying Bill Gates has a few coins to rub together. Gary shared with me, in this short (5:19) interview, how we have now gone beyond using the Internet with a laptop from anywhere. We have transformed the way you can succeed with today’s new technology. For your future, you owe it to yourself to listen to this interview and think about how that can apply to you as you expand and reach beyond where you are now.
Some of the topics Gary and I talked about include:
* What key technology is enabling the ability to create your own tech
* How these technologies are transforming not just computers, but how we solve problems and accelerate innovation in ways never done before
* Health care options for today
* Agricultural possibilities
* Food production and measuring growth
* How you can deploy security options on a personal level that were priced out of reach of many just recently
* How your kitchen can be protected
* An brilliant idea on how to find out what is available (I never would have thought of this, but Gary shared it and it makes a lot of sense)
* How we are saving dollars, solving problems and keeping people safe & secure with technology
* The political landscape today — not what you would have thought
* Economic possibilities today
All this and more is on this power-packed and enriched video where I talk with one of the top thought leaders in the technology world today. You are going to get some great ideas on this. Then I want you to let others know. Let’s get the word out to help our world today.
Please share this with your community and tribe. This message of strong, positive hope is what our world needs today. Yes, we recognize the troubles of the world. Yes, we consume the news and are aware. However, in the midst of that we see enormous possibilities as never before in history (we mention that also in the video)
I look forward to your comments on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere on this important video. Thank you for watching.
Follow the hashtag at #CES2015
All the best,
Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
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