Business-Building Action from Terry Brock
This video is for you who are professional speakers or want to become a professional speaker. I was asked to be part of the International Speakers Symposium hosted by James Taylor from the United Kingdom. James was a great interviewer and asked me to share my story and what works.
In this video interview you get to hear both the stories of what has worked — and what hasn’t in my career. You’ll also get a chance to learn about some technologies I’m using now that you can use for getting your message out. Some of these include:
- Facebook Live
- Equipment used in Facebook Live presentations
- Digital currencies like Bitcoin and others — how they will affect professional speaking now and into the future
- What microphone to use and Terry’s updated view of the Yeti microphone from Blue Microphones
- What to do when an “Oh Whoops!” happens in video
That last one is particularly important. We had a major “Oh Whoops!” during the recording of this — and we left it in the video! That way you can see how to keep going no matter what. Yes, Terry will be a bit embarrassed but, you will learn and enjoy.
Please let me know what you think. Please share this with others as they can benefit from its message. Thank you for being involved:
All the best,
Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Member, Professional Speaker Hall of Fame
Certified Speaking Professional
+1-407-363-0505 (Orlando, Florida, USA)
Linkedin – MarketerTerryBrock
Facebook – MarketerTerryBrock
Twitter – @TerryBrock