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Most Important Non-AI Part Of Marketing

Hey there! Terry Brock here, your guide on this wild ride called Stark Raving Entrepreneurs.

Get ready to dive into the most mind-blowing non-AI component of marketing. And trust me, we’ve got some magic that will leave you absolutely amazed!

You’re going to get some fabulous gifts as you watch this episode. I’ll not only show you what that most important part is (you’ll love it) but also give you 5 simple steps to implement that can build your business.

Oh, and one last thing, I want to give you a virtual high-five and say a massive “thank you” for stopping by.

Enjoy and I look forward to hearing from you.

Non-edited Transcript for your convenience (do you like this? Please let me know)

Terry Brock [00:00:00]:

You know that AI, artificial intelligence is very, very important in our world today. Hey. The world has changed dramatically, and it’s gonna be a part of what you do for your life or all the quite a while. but there’s another non AI component that’s part of marketing. It’s gonna be even more important and what we’re gonna do is show you how to blend those together in this very special video. Hi. I’m Jerry Brock, and in this video, particularly this episode, well, I Canva show you or let you hear if you’re getting this on the podcast. how you can implement several specific steps that are gonna help you. And I’ve got a bunch of goodies waiting for you. At the end of this video, I’m gonna give you on AI tools you can use. Things are gonna help you to really turbocharge your business and make it something that is gonna go really far. So it’s the most in important non a part of marketing. And what is it? Well, it’s no surprise to you. You’re gonna be going, well, duh, and it is the human element.

Terry Brock [00:00:51]:

being in there. We know that artificial intelligence is great. Oh, yeah. And I’m gonna show you some specific tools that can help you to move your business to achieve the next level. This is what’s gonna be important. But we’re also gonna take a look at some other features that are gonna help you in many, many different ways. There’s a lot of tools out there So, yeah, we’re using artificial intelligence. We like that, but I want you to stay through to the end of this video. The special gift you are going to love when you see what these things can do for you. So get ready. You wanna roll up your sleeves. Here’s what I want you to do. I want you to get ready with what you need to do. Put together all those features that are gonna be needed. Get your pad of paper in your pen or your note taking device of choice, and get right role because what we’re going to look at is the combination that you need on these. Because really, when you look at it, AI is vitally important. Your world changed November 30 2022. When they came up with ChatGPT GPT, there’s a new version 3.5 at that time. Now they’ve had some other enhancements and it is really profoundly changing our world, and it has ramifications for lots of things that are going on. And so you’re gonna do that, but you wanna humanize that virtual experience. That’s the key. Most important that you do that, put it in there. By the way, don’t you love that video? If you if you’re catching this on audio, you wanna watch the of it too. because the video there of the family coming together, I’m thinking their family, and putting together, you can imagine where they are. But I think this is what it’s about. It’s bringing human experience into the experience that we have and how we can humanize that. What are we going to do to really humanize that virtual connection. I’m thinking it’s gonna seem a little bit strange because what you’ll do is you’re actually going to use human tools and use AI tools to make the best of both. So I know I promised it a lot there, but I’m gonna show you exactly what you need to do. First of all, You need to study the market. That means you gotta look at what’s going on in the market, understand the tools. There’s a lot of work involved in that. This something you gotta do. I like the way that farmers do it. Study the market. You see what they’re doing. They’re studying the soil. They’re looking at the environment. seeing what’s going on. They’re looking at what is popular now. What is it? Do people want soybeans? Do they want corn? Do they want something else? Hey. I grew up in the Midwest. And in the Midwest, we had a lot of farms around where we grew up. We didn’t live on a farm, but there were a lot of farms around. And I see the way that they did this with that is what they were to do is they were able to put together a lot of different

Terry Brock [00:03:20]:


Terry Brock [00:03:21]:

studying the market. So that’s what you and I have to do. And part of the way you’re gonna do that study, well, you’re gonna look at the University of YouTube going over there, seeing what’s available. What is it that people are looking for? What kind of searches are going on? Do some research of the market to see what it’s like. And you wanna go in and watch the comments. That’s really important. not just seeing what videos are popular, but look at the comments. What are people asking about? What are they saying, hey. We gotta have to change this. And you see, you want the content that connects with people. That’s gonna be most important because when you can get the content that connects, people will want to come and be around you and watch your video. They’re gonna listen to your podcast, read your blog, see what you’re doing on social media, and it’s a lot tougher than it was. Hey. I remember a little while ago when I was getting started. You know? Yeah. That’s what I mean. The way I was getting started, it was kinda tough putting it all together. But I found that now it’s much easier to do that, but the tough part now is that there’s more and more people out there doing it. And so you’re competing against the entire Internet for crying out loud. Yeah. That’s quite a bit. But you see what you can do is you’re gonna be able to do it. So the really again, the key is gonna be get that content that connects with others and solves their pain. You can do this virtually. Conduct series of interviews and programs, asking people what challenges they have using Zoom and other tools. They work really well. And you wanna look for the pain. That’s the second step here. look for the pain. Where are people hurting? What is going on? Notice I haven’t talked about using AI as much. there, but you will use AI for this to study the market and to look for the pain, but you’re combining it with the human element. the human element of being there to care for people and say, okay. What is it that people are looking for right now? They’re they’ve got pain in this and a lot of places where you’re gonna find that DALL be in Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups. And again, as I’ve said, study the comments. That’s where you’re gonna get a more authentic answer of what’s really going on. It used to be I remember long ago, we’d say we use a lot of focus groups. We still use those today. There’s a place for that. but even more important than the focus groups is you wanna be able to look for that pain, find out where people are hurting. And one way to do that is you wanna look for listening more. Grow bigger ears is the way I like to say it. The way Chris Brogan came up with that, you listen to her carefully to what they’re looking for and where they’re having some problems and they’re having pain. Here’s a question. You might wanna write this down. Yeah. I know it’s real simple, but it’s important. How can we help you in your business? Please let us know. How can we help you in your business? please let us know. And so you wanna be there listening to them and notice we’re listening. We’re not going in there blathering on about what we can do. That’s something that a lot of salespeople will do, and they lose us right away because they come in and they go, oh, well, let me tell you about how our widget is so wonderful. Our solution is gonna work for You know? And by the way, am I the only one that’s getting this on LinkedIn where people come in, they connect with you in immediately.

Terry Brock [00:06:27]:

They’re telling you, hi. We design websites. We do SEO. We can help you. We can do it. Just here’s my link to get a call. And what? You’re asking me to give you my most important resource time. I don’t even know you. I don’t even know if you’re ethical or good. I haven’t seen anything about you. And DALL of a sudden, you want me to spend my time and consider spending money with you in your outfit, no. I’ve gotta get to know you need to build a relationship. So what you wanna do again Ask those questions. How can we help you in your business and be there to help them? And sometimes that’s gonna mean you’re going out in person. You’re seeing them in person to say, okay. This is what we can do. What are your issues that you’re dealing with right now?

Terry Brock [00:07:11]:

Step number 3, a third one, I want you to then develop the solutions. And this is where the work begins because when you’re developing the You’re having to use the AI. Yes. You’ll use ChatGPT GPT. You’ll use tools like perplexity. great little tool that we use in conjunction with that. One that we’re using now extensively is Castmagic.

Terry Brock [00:07:31]:

It’s before podcasts initially really put it in there. Now we’re using it for YouTube and podcasts and others. It generates all kinds of great tools for you with AI printouts, LinkedIn,

Terry Brock [00:07:44]:

for titles that you can use, and it uses a magic chat in there so that you can change words and look for. It’s just pretty incredible jaw dropping. Just one of the two And there’s many other tools, good old Canva, still very good for drawing graphics in the way they do that. So what you wanna do is, though, those solutions based on what you’ve heard when you were looking for the pain and you were studying the market. You see how all this builds one on top of the other. You need to take your notes Do the research, find out what it is that people are looking for, and then what you can use to present a solution to them. You want that solution coming to them with something that is going to help solve their problem, and it’s pay pay payable for them that say, okay. This is a reasonable price. gonna be able to do that, but you wanna be able to make sure that you’re taking those notes and working with it. So you wanna do that. And here’s another important point. You wanna leverage the right tool. These tools I’ve been telling you about really important. You wanna use those things like listen to the public. and SEMRush and h refs. h refs are great tools for saying, okay. What’s going on? One that I’m using right now is to buddy TubeBuddy is a great tool for finding out what’s going on with keywords. I’m using it myself with these videos that I together and helping me a lot with the keyword analysis as well. They’ve got a keyword explorer and other tools that help you put the thumbnail in the right place, tests, for you, put it together. And I’m just very pleased with TubeBuddy and how it works. If you’re using a tool like that, let me know. But I think we’ve gotta leverage the right tool And as you’ve worked with tools, if you have one that has been particularly good for you, hey. Let us know in the comments below wherever you’re catching this so that we can then share with others they’ll be able to say, hey. Thank you very much for letting me add them to us. And then here’s a 4th step. Very important step number 4. You wanna implement and monitor implement what you have done. Go out and you do test. I like the idea of doing many small tests where it’s very low cost, and you Canva try something to say, okay. How did this work in a small way. And if it works well, then you scale it up and start doing it even more. So you gotta do your study. You gotta get on that computer, get on that laptop, look at what’s going on, and think, okay. What is working, what is not? And that’s ongoing. It never stops. You wanna keep doing this on a regular basis. And then Humanize Yoodli.

Terry Brock [00:10:09]:

Yoodli is the emphasis there. Actually, Humanize is also the emphasis. I guess the 2 are really together. humanized to think, how can I make this more human like? Let’s take the AI and do something that your competitors are not doing. They’re some of them are just using the AI. They think, hey. It’s just the technology. Well, it’s not just the technology that are sparking. It’s a little bit more than that. It is also being a human seeing people in person. Picking up the phone sometimes and send them a a message. Hey. How are you doing? Hey. I like what you did on that. send them a quick note on what they’re doing and how they’re doing this and what they’re doing there, find out those keys that you can use to help make it easier for them. That’s going to be something that DALL help you because when you can do something that others are not doing that is cost effective for you, profitable for you, and it’s cost effective for your target market, for your customers. for your clients, your patients, your members, whatever term you use for those wonderful people who are paying the bill. This is what you want to do is find out what you can do to help them. So those are five steps that are gonna help you right now, and I’ve some tools I wanna show you that are gonna help you to make that happen in a big way. These tools are gonna be something that, well, they’re real world tools that can help you, and they’re gonna help to just kinda catalog catapult jump right over. I love this little video here that we’re seeing. You know, jump right over there to see what it’s like and make it happen. So we’re gonna take a look at that. so that you can see the kind of tools that are going to be helpful to you,

Terry Brock [00:11:44]:

help you to get ahead, and work well. One of them is our stark weaving Agorapreneurs. that we put together. Now this is something you wanna check out. There’s a lot of resources there that we’ve put there for you so that you can see what’s going on, how to start using these tools in a profoundly good way, making sure that you’re getting the results you need. And here’s something that you’ll want to do. Be sure and like, share, and subscribe to this. that lets you know know that you’re gonna get these on a regular basis. And then when you flip over to subscribe from subscribe, then you’re letting those wacky algorithms know that you like the idea of freedom and liberty and being able to be an entrepreneur. And speaking of which, here’s another free program I wanna give you. This is a program we do every Wednesday at 4 PM US Eastern Time. So that’d be 1 o’clock Pacific time in the states, and you can do the math on the other stuff. If you’re over in the UK, we have a lot of folks joining us from other parts around the world. just look up what’s there. Australia, from the UK, people joining us from the Tungo. We’ve had people coming in from many places. Australia and looking for many others. We’d love to have you. And you get to hear some of the cutting edge ideas and not only AI, but as an entrepreneur and what you need to do to take your business to the next level.

Terry Brock [00:13:01]:

All of these tools together with the human element can help. And another tool that I wanna get put in your hand, a aitoolsforbiz Write that down. This is all in lowercase as one word. a i tools t o o l s, the number 4 there I get the full on the screen there, 4biz dotcom. We’re gonna talk with you about tools there like chatgpt. Lexica

Terry Brock [00:13:29]:

OpenAI, Canva, lots of good there, DALL E2 that were available. Yoodli, by the way, that’s a great little tool, Yoodly, for getting a digital AI speech coach to get better. Stable diffusion is another one we DALL about, and we’re constantly adding more to this. So there is a tool that you Canva use It’s gonna help you a lot in that. We are here to help you. Let us know what we can do to help. Oh, by the way, here’s another way that you can access it with a QR code on screen. Those of you that are catching the video of this, you can just freeze this and shoot that. Or, again, go over to AI tools for So lots of good things are waiting for you. I encourage you to take action on both. And I’m gonna show you in future videos how you can do this, the kind of ways that you can build this, the way that you can make it work, and the way that you can get this going in a profoundly good way for you. And we got a tool right over here for you that’s gonna help you. That cast magic I was telling you Castmagic is a profound tool that is incredible if you’re doing anything with YouTube or if you’re doing something with AI tools for podcasting. This is one you want. Hey. Thanks for joining me today. Looking forward to hearing from you. I’m Terry Brock.

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