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“Paper or Plastic?” – Question often heard at checkouts
We live in a mixed world. At the grocery store they often ask me if I want paper or plastic to carry my grocery purchases. Now, we are faced with the question of how we want to consume our books – Paper or eBook — which is right for you?
This is interesting because it becomes a very emotional discussion often — particularly with book lovers. Since I consider myself deeply committed to learning and reading perhaps I’ve opened a can of (book) worms here!
Two Considerations
So which is it for you, paper (traditional atom-baed books) or plastic (new digitally-based eBooks and eLearning)? I think there are two considerations here: 1) What do you prefer and 2) what do your customers prefer? Let’s examine both of these.
Considering what you prefer is a common tendency. We all live in our own minds and communicate more with our own thoughts than anyone. Psychologists call this intrapersonal communication. Reading enhances your intrapersonal communication as you expand your range of knowledge. This is what learning is all about.
What works for us personally in the form of reading a book by the lake, reading in our study, reading to children, etc. is a very personal experience. This is why discussions about this topic are often emotional. I’ve had people tell me there is nothing that can take the place of curling up with a good book on the sofa on a chilly day outside with a cup of hot chocolate. Hey, I can relate to that! I have had many good experiences reading books (the paper kind) on my balcony looking out over the lake.
The other consideration is what the marketplace is requesting. These are your potential and existing customers. In Business, we have to pay close attention to what people desire who could potentially give us money. So what are they asking for?
Recently John Grisham, the author, said he was amazed at the increase in the last year of eBooks. Grisham has sold over 250 million (WOW!) copies of his books. He knows writing. He knows books. More importantly, he knows what his customers want. John Grisham has moved to include eBooks as an integral part of his offerings. Why? That is what people want—and want to pay for!
Amazon.com tells us that eBooks have exceeded sales of hard cover books. As the price of eBooks remains lower, and people embrace tools like Apple’s iPad and other tablets, more and more books will be sold through eBooks.
What You Should Do For Your Business
So, what do you do? Focus on what buyers are asking for and provide that. Yes, this is basic and simple but important. More and more people choose to consume books digitally. Paper books will always be with us. Yes, we’ll always want that Sunday morning experience of sitting on the sofa reading a great book with a nice cup of hot chocolate (can’t be beat!).
If you haven’t tried reading a book on an iPad or similar device treat yourself to that experience. I’ve noticed that most people who object to reading books on an iPad are those who have never tried it! It does take some getting used to the new way of consuming a book. I had some challenges initially but as I discovered new features and benefits of that medium I became an ardent follower. Now I prefer to read books electronically vs. paper.
For your business, concentrate on what your customers are requesting. There are many who still want the paper experience. However more and more people embrace digital methods of consuming books and other materials. Think about how you can produce eBooks coupled with audio, video and live web links to enhance their experience.
They will like it and your bottom line will like it as well. So, when they ask “Paper or plastic” you just might say, “Both!”
Copyright (c) 2010, Terry Brock and Achievement Systems, Inc. Terry Brock is an international marketing coach and professional speaker who works with businesses to generate profitable results. He can be reached by e-mail at terry@terrybrock.com or through his website at www.terrybrock.com. Join the Twitter adventure with Terry through his Twitter address: @TerryBrock. Join Terry’s Facebook Fan Page at: http://www.facebook.com/SpeakerTerryBrock
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Terry Brock
Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker, Master of Ceremonies and Social Media Marketing Speaker.
Terry Brock brings a passion for technology, a sense of history, and real-world business strategies for success to everything he does in a fun, entertaining way while providing real-world solutions and results for those in his audiences.
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