Life is full of opportunities. There always seems to be plenty of options to achieve what we want.
Since you’re a Business Journal reader, I can make certain assumptions about you and be reasonably accurate.
I can reasonably assume you’re in business, take some form of ownership over what you do, and are ahead of others in that you invest the time, money and energy to develop your skills. The fact that you’re reading this says you want to gain additional knowledge and get a competitive advantage. You are intelligent, and look for ways to further advance your goals.
All of that is good. However, there is a big danger facing you. Because you have many opportunities, it is easy to get distracted and lose focus. There are a lot of activities you “could” do. There are a lot of opportunities you “could” embrace. This can be dangerous.
Don’t lose your focus
The danger of “could” is amplified because you are smart and “could” succeed in many areas. A successful lawyer “could” also probably have been successful in many other areas. However, the successful professional in any field is one who had the mental discipline and drive to limit choices for a while (we call that college) and focus on what is most important.
Having great opportunities is a wonderful benefit of being in a today’s age of technological advancement. Today, as never before, someone with reasonable intelligence and sufficient drive and determination can accomplish more than our ancestors even dreamed possible.
But with that increased opportunity comes the increased chance of being side-tracked by wandering. This wandering and wondering what to do is good for a 12-year-old who hasn’t decided yet what career to pursue. Many wise psychologists and human development professionals would encourage a young person to explore lots of opportunities before deciding on a lifetime career. Seeing the other options can enrich their experiences and make them better at what they ultimately do.
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