Business-Building Action from Terry Brock
Why is social media such a hit in today’s world? There are many explanations and concepts floating around the web but I think the truth is pretty dog-gone basic —
People Like To Be Around People Who Are Like Them
This was true years ago as people would sit around the old country store and talk about the weather, crops, who was doing what, with whom, etc. etc. Today we have expanded this basic conversation to include more people, at lower acquisition and retention cost and geography is much less of a factor —- if it is a factor at all — in today’s Internet-connected world.
We love to be around and connect with people who are like us. If you’re on LinkedIn, you probably know about their wonderful feature called Groups. This is where people with similar interests get together and chat about something they all want to talk about and where they need answers. Since interest in a particular subject pulls people together, it is ideal for meeting similar people. This is today’s country General Store.
Facebook has groups which help people connect in a similar way — usually for more casual and personal interests than LinkedIn’s largely business connections.
On YouTube, you can get information concerning almost any topic that comes to mind. I love watching videos from some of my favorite authors, speakers and authorities in various fields. I love watching videos from some of my favorite magazines, universities, seminars and more.
What worked before, with people gathered around the old country store on the rocking chairs out front, is happening today. We want to build relationships with people. This is at the core of Relationship Marketing. Social Media is really a logical, turbo-charged way to establish, build and maintain mutually-beneficial relationships.
Here are three specific steps you can take today to enhance what you’re doing on Social Media by using the principles of Relationship Marketing:
- Get to Know People As People First Yes, we’re all in business. Yes, we have products and services to sell. However, like at the general store in days of yore, it is imperative to get to know people as individuals first. We all shake ourheads yes on this issue, but I’m continually flabbergasted at those who immediately start yammering on and on about their products without stopping to get to know me as a person first. Take the time to be human. Really listen. Really care. It is good as a human being — and good for business.
- Budget to Spend Time on Social Media. If you lived 100 years ago in a small town, you’d have to budget time to go to the town’s general store, saloon
or other gathering place and be there. You have to invest your time in places where it matters. With Social Media you have to spend time there connecting with important people. Don’t waste your time with trivial pursuits. Invest time in establishing, building and maintaining mutually beneficial business relationships. (Yes, I know I’m repeating myself —- it is that important)
- Track Your Results. You can’t be with everyone. If you’re investing time, money and effort in anything, you need to show results over a reasonable period of time. This is just as true in attending a local Chamber of Commerce, a civic club or other gathering and spending time on Social Media. Use Hootsuite, Klout and other measuring tools to quantify what type of return you’re getting. Don’t rely on any one or two tools but measure and analyze what numbers matter in your unique situation.
Social Media is today’s extension of Relationship Marketing which has been with us since people would trade at Middle Eastern Bazaars centuries ago. Have fun with it. Enjoy the process. I wish you much success in your business endeavors using Social Media.
So, how have you seen that Social Media helps you build better relationships? What is working for you? I look forward to hearing from you.
Terry Brock is an expert in Relationship Marketing showing business leaders how to establish, build and maintain mutually-beneficial relationships. He leverages Social Media to help generate serious business. Find out about what he can do for you at or connect on Twitter @TerryBrock or