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Steve Shapiro on Manufacturing Serendipity

Timothy Ferriss
Is Timothy Ferriss right about the 4 hour workweek? Watch this video and decide (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Do you achieve success by planning, setting goals, etc. or, is it something else? Recently my buddy Steve Shapiro was visiting here in Orlando and we had a great conversation about that.

I wanted to get you involved in that so I grabbed my camcorder, microphone and we made a video that you are going to love. This short video (7:49) has Steve sharing some pearls of wisdom that can make a big difference in your life and business.

Steve shares something that hit me which has worked for him to produce several best-selling books, lead a very successful international speaking business and achieve the aspirations he has wanted. It is not a matter of working harder. Not even the old “work smarter, not harder.” In fact, he even parts company a bit with Tim Ferris and the concept of the “4 Hour Workweek” which you will enjoy.

Watch this short video and get some ideas that can change your life for the better. Then, let us know your thoughts on this important topic. Others will benefit from what you share.

As always, I look forward to hearing from you. Drop me a note if I can be of assistance to you.


Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE, @TerryBrock – Twitter,




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