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Terry’s Top Technology Tips To TurboCharge 2009

by Terry L. Brock

So many fail because they don’t get started – they don’t go. They don’t overcome inertia. They don’t begin. W. Clement Stone

It is time for a new beginning — in many ways. This marks the end of not only another year, but of an era for many. The US has elected a new President with a new vision and a different way of doing business. Whether you like Barack Obama or not, this is a great time to begin anew.

Bonus For You! Listen to Terry’s Expanded and Even Better Audio Version! You can listen to it below streaming or, if you prefer, download the MP3 audio to listen on your preferred MP3 audio player. Your choice. The enjoyment and inside tips are for you. Total time is a mere 13:26 and you can save yourself thousands of dollars by getting the right information. Leave a comment (below in the “Comments” section) to help others and also promote your website. I look forward to hearing from you! — Terry


Right Click to Save Audio as MP3 and later listen on your favorite MP3 Player.


And for your business here are some tools and rules that can help you as you embark on a New Year.

Contact Management System (CMS)

This is the most important element for any sales-oriented entrepreneur. You need to have a system that collects and processes names. Your success in life will largely be determined by the number of people who know you in a favorable way. A living, vibrant system that reminds you of people, their wants, their desires, their important information (birthday, anniversaries, loved ones, etc.) is vital.

There are many good systems available including ACT!, Outlook, Entourage, Goldmine and others. Many today are favoring online approaches so that you can access the data from anywhere, you get regular updates without installing anything on your computer and you have a team backing you up. I use the combination of Google Docs and Gmail to maintain a good system of interactivity. Zoho and and a host of others are available. Start by carefully analyzing what you need in your unique situation. Then examine what is available and match those needs.

Whatever you decide, start with what you want to do to service your customers and bring new customers into your sphere of influence. Next, nurture that system and massage it daily to squeeze the maximum benefit from your investment.

Communications Tools

This ties closely with your CMS. Once you have the names, address, phone, email, and other vital information about contacts, you need to connect with them. Find easy, fluid ways to connect. Also, you don’t want your connection to be only with one tool. You want to have a variety of ways to connect. Some of these will include a strong cell phone/smartphone which allows you to connect through voice, email, texting and even audio and video. Communication preferences change through the years. Long ago it was with voice communication only at the office (no cellphones existed). Then email emerged as a quick, easy way to stay in touch. Today instant messaging (IM) is vital with a strong emphasis from social networking sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, FaceBook, MySpace and others growing in popularity. Find the preferred communication method of your customers and prospects and embrace that. Lead the way showing them how to connect.

Audio and video are big today and getting bigger in the marketplace. You want to have proficient knowledge of these and how to use them to your benefit. They give you the ability to connect in a more human way. Text is not natural. Audio and video are much more natural and provide a fuller dimension into the human experience. As you embrace these and learn how to use them, you’ll stand out in a more favorable way.

Learn how to use audio (it really is easy) and video (with the right equipment it is very easy) to connect with people. In many cases you’ll be the first to send that video email or audio email. Make it as easy as sending an email. Remember long ago, you didn’t know how to send an email and now it is very easy for you. Make creating and sending audio and video just as easy — get the knowledge of how to do it, practice with it a couple of times and you’ll move your connection to a new level.

Office Efficiency And Productivity

One you have your CMS and solid ways to connect with people, you want to make sure your back office is running smoothly like a well-oiled machine. Have the tools in place to process information to serve your customers easily for you and quickly for them. Money Loves Speed. Today, the fastest with the right answer is often the winner.

The Japanese phrase, Youi-Shuutou means to be very careful and thoroughly prepared. This is what you want in your office. Think through likely scenarios that occur. Have systems in place for your achievement. Yes, this takes some serious thinking coupled with hard work. But, when you can effortlessly implement practical, positive solutions for your customers and prospects it will all be worth it.

Tools I like include a scanner (I’m using two, the NeatReceipts sheet-fed scanner and a desktop scanner from HP for more automated scanning). Turn paper into useful information by having it available when needed. I also use the Mophie for my iPhone to add a boost to battery power (about 8 extra hours). A digital voice recorder (DVR) gives me the ability to grab thoughts and ideas quickly as well as to capture phrases from the languages I’m studying.

There are many tools you can use. In fact, I’m preparing a special report for my coaching program which will detail these and many other useful tools that will help generate more sales and productivity. Drop me an email for more information.

Leverage the tools to help people. Always focus on how you can help prospects to become customers and help customers to become raving fans. This strategy will work in a New Year and anytime in the future.

Bonus Tip: I just discovered a great tool for listening on my iPhone and iPod. It is called BudFits. It makes listening more comfortable and helps keep your earbuds in place when you are active and mobile. This device is covered more in-depth on my website in video (you’ll love it!) at:

where you’ll see exactly how it works. If you use an iPod for learning, education and/or music enjoyment, you need to check these out. $8.95 retail for the pair and they make great Holiday gifts!

It is a time for renewal. Make this a time to get started again in your business and your personal life. Make the commitment to get the necessary knowledge and resources which will propel you to the goals you want to achieve. Make 2009 the year for your success — whatever the outside world is doing.

Terry Brock is an international marketing coach and professional speaker who helps businesses market more effectively, leveraging technology. He shows busy professionals how to squeeze more out of their days using time-honored rules and practical technology tools. He can be reached at 407-363-0505, by e-mail at or through his website at

Contact Terry

Are you looking for an in-person or virtual speaker who will add the perfect spark to your next event? Or an author for your next bestseller? Or maybe a technology coach to help you leverage the future to hit your goals? Contact Terry and let’s see if he’s the right fit!