Successful business people today know how to integrate the tools that are popular and helpless so much today. Somebody’s important tools include a solid use of social media for business purposes. Portable technologies factor in there as well. In addition to that the right attitude is most important.
When you combine these three elements together effectively you can achieve in Norma’s goals and success. Recently I had a delightful experience talking with a friend of mine, Paul McCarthy, from Melbourne Australia. Paul is a guru when it comes to what works for success in today’s world. In our discussion we talked about a number of elements including social media effectiveness, Klout, and portable technologies. I made it a point to record this so that you can enjoy and learn from the experience.
Pull up a chair and get your note-taking device of choice available so that you can benefit from this as well. I look forward to hearing your comments. Please send a post to me over on Facebook and I’ll look forward to hearing from you.
Get the answers you need about Klout and how to build your social media influence. We put together a special webpage to help you understand more about Klout and to maximize it to generate more business – and raise your Klout Score! Come on over to for all the details!