How much money should an entrepreneur make as an hourly rate?
How much is fair?
How do we go about determining the amount of pay that anyone should make?
That’s the subject of this important concept as it centers around entrepreneurs and the rest of society as well.
In this video I discuss some ideas that might be controversial and could raise some eyebrows. However they are vitally important to address.
He answers you here might surprise you.
If you embrace the concept of being an Agorapreneur You will undoubtedly smile and feel energized. You see, and Agorapreneur Is someone who believes in living life peacefully in voluntarily. It is also someone who takes charge of their own life hence the concept of being an entrepreneur.
Enjoy this video and I will look forward to hearing from you with your comments. Thank you very much for joining me here I am honored to have you watch my video and be involved.
#Entrepreneurs #Liberty #Freedom #Agorapreneur
#TerryBrock #Agorapreneurs #Voluntaryist #Agora
#AgoraLiving #Peaceful
Terry L. Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Member, Professional Speaker Hall of Fame
Certified Speaking Professional
Council of Peers Award of Excellence
2018 Recipient of the National Speakers Association’s Highest Award, The Cavett
2019 Inductee as a Speaking Legend with Veteran Speakers Network
Master of Ceremonies
Professional Video Coach
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Agorapreneurs With Terry Brock
My most recent TEDx presentation on how you can move from “No way!” to “Not yet!”
Previous Editor-in-Chief for AT&T’s Networking Exchange Blog (Helped team get over $3 Billion in Revenue)
Previous Chief Enterprise Blogger for Skype (Introducing business-use of Skype)
Previous Chief Retail Advisor – Ace Hardware Global Solutions Academy (Training for all Ace Hardware Dealers out of US),
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