For entrepreneurs time is our most precious resource. If you lose money, that is bad, but you can earn it back. If you lose time, you can never get it back.
In this interview with self made millionaire and outstanding sales person and professional speaker (Speaker Hall of Fame member) Michael Aun, You are going to gain a lot of valuable gems.
This video will give you several key takeaways that can help you manage your time better and get more of the results you need as an Agorapreneur.
Please leave your comments and your thoughts on this topic. That will help others to understand how to live life peacefully as an Agorapreneur who believes in the entrepreneurial lifestyle living peacefully with others in a voluntary way.
Thank you for joining me. I look forward to hearing from you.
#Entrepreneurs #Liberty #Freedom #Agorapreneur
#TerryBrock #Agorapreneurs #Voluntaryist #Agora
#AgoraLiving #Peaceful
Terry L. Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Member, Professional Speaker Hall of Fame
Certified Speaking Professional
Council of Peers Award of Excellence
2018 Recipient of the National Speakers Association’s Highest Award, The Cavett
2019 Inductee as a Speaking Legend with Veteran Speakers Network
Master of Ceremonies
Professional Video Coach
Get Help With Your Virtual, Remote Presentations
In today’s world this skill is needed more than ever when people are working from home, making presentations with tools like Zoom, Skype, and others. I can help you and your organization just as I have done for Skype, AT&T, ACE Hardware, and thousands of people. Contact me for a free consultation on what opportunities are available for you in remote presentations. Discover what you can do with today’s video conferencing and presentation abilities.
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Get 3 Videos to boost your marketing, discover a Ninja Google Doc voice recording trick, and, tap into the (free) power of Canva:
See some wonderful (!) videos on my YouTube Channel! (I think you’ll like ’em!)
Agorapreneurs With Terry Brock
My most recent TEDx presentation on how you can move from “No way!” to “Not yet!”
Previous Editor-in-Chief for AT&T’s Networking Exchange Blog (Helped team get over $3 Billion in Revenue)
Previous Chief Enterprise Blogger for Skype (Introducing business-use of Skype)
Previous Chief Retail Advisor – Ace Hardware Global Solutions Academy (Training for all Ace Hardware Dealers out of US),
@TerryBrock – Twitter