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You Won’t Believe These AI Tool Benefits Until You See Them

Hey there, it’s Terry Brock, and I have a 3-part treat you will LOVE in this episode of “Stark Raving Entrepreneurs.” 

Get ready to dive into the AI revolution with me as I unveil 3 game-changing tools that are set to rock your world! 

We’ll be exploring AI-driven personal communication with, a nifty tool to keep track of all your activities and meetings with Augmented, and an incredible graphics creation tool called ideogram that’ll leave you in awe. 

I’ll be chatting about each tool, sharing practical examples, and giving you the lowdown on how to maximize their potential. So, buckle up and get ready to supercharge your entrepreneurial journey with me! This is an episode you won’t want to miss. Let’s dive in!

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We’re Stark Raving  Entrepreneurs. We help you with the lifestyle of “Live and Let Live.” Do whatever you want, but don’t hurt others and don’t take their stuff. We embrace what is called the “Non-Aggression Principle” (NAP).

For your convenience here are some time stamps of note-worthy content for this episode:

1. [00:00:00]: Introduction to the 3 key AI tools that will be discussed in the episode.
2. [00:01:00]: Introduction to “” and demonstration of having a conversation with an AI through the platform.
3. [00:03:28]: Discussion of the language capabilities of “” and its potential for conversational interactions, as well as its relevance to personal and business applications.
4. [00:05:20]: Introduction to “augment,” a tool for tracking activities, including websites visited, recording and summarizing meetings, and asking questions about past activities.
5. [00:07:50]: Introduction to “ideogram” and its capabilities for creating graphics and pictures, as well as showcasing example phrases and their corresponding images.
6. [00:11:30]: Demonstration of user-created content using “ideogram,” including discussing challenges and overcoming them using the tool’s capabilities.
7. [00:20:05]: Conclusion, including information about accessing additional resources and inviting audience feedback.

For your convenience, here’s a summary of this episode in Spanish:

En este episodio de “Stark Raving Entrepreneurs”, Terry Brock presenta tres herramientas clave que pueden beneficiar a emprendedores. Primero habla de, una herramienta de inteligencia artificial que permite conversaciones con emociones incorporadas. Luego, presenta “augment”, una herramienta para realizar un seguimiento de actividades y reuniones, y proporciona resúmenes detallados. Por último, destaca “ideogram”, una herramienta para la creación de imágenes y gráficos. Brock comparte ejemplos de uso, mostrando las ventajas y desventajas de cada herramienta, y además brinda consejos sobre cómo sacarles el máximo provecho.

Also, for your convenience, here’s an edited transcript. Hope you enjoy this!

Terry Brock [00:00:00]:
We know that AI is changing our world. It’s changing it in many, many different ways, and I found 3 key tools I wanna show you. They’re gonna help you. 1, it’s gonna help you a lot in just personal communication, figuring out what to do, talking with someone, getting an idea. And I say someone, putting that in air quotes, and you’ll be talking to an AI, but it’s really, really good. You wanna pay attention to this. Secondly, we’re gonna look at a way you can keep track of all kinds of activities that happen. Meetings that you have, websites you visit, and get a collection of all of those.

Terry Brock [00:00:28]:
And then 3rd, a great tool for creating videos. There’s and creating the graphics that you’re gonna use. This video is gonna be a little bit different. This, if you’re listening to this on audio, you’re gonna enjoy it as well because we’ve got a lot of different things I wanna show you. And it’s just you and me here. I wanna do this a little bit differently than we’ve done before, so I can show you some intimate details as we work with it in a way that’s gonna be very practical. We’re gonna start with one right off the bat that is here that I discovered is really handy. You see I’m on the screen here a little bit, and I’m gonna move over here out of the way a little bit for those of you watching this on video.

Terry Brock [00:01:00]:
Now, if you’re catching this on audio, you’ll wanna bounce over a little bit later, catch it on video as well. I’m in a program called Letterp, the letter I dot a I. And it gives you the ability to have conversations with people and be able to work in many different ways. And so let’s get started here with this as we look at pie. I’m gonna start with a new thread. These are where you can have conversations with the the system and find out what’s going on. Down here in the bottom, you’ll see it shows you that it’s a You can talk with a With pie, and what I’m gonna do here is I’m gonna click on that and let you see what’s available with it.

Terry Brock [00:01:37]:
As I move over here a little bit, you can see the kind of features that are there. I’m gonna talk with pi. I’m clicking down here and I’m gonna use the recording by on my Mac, I can press my function key, a couple of times and it brings up the audio keeping capability. Whatever it is on your computer, find out what’s there. I’m gonna begin a conversation. How are you today? Tell me what is going on, and what is the weather for Orlando today? So I’ve typed in my question. Now, I’m gonna press the key here to hear what Pi has to say.

Robot [00:02:14]:
Hey, Terry. I’m doing great today. Thanks for asking. As for Orlando’s weather, it looks like a mixed bag of conditions. Currently, it’s a bit rainy and cloudy with a temperature of 72 Deers GF. But don’t worry. There are some sunny skies in the forecast too, and temperatures are expected to climb into the eighties later in the week. Of course, this is Florida, so a cold front might swing through and drop temperatures into the sixties just to keep things interesting.

Robot [00:02:39]:
Gotta love that Florida weather right now.

Terry Brock [00:02:42]:
Now isn’t that interesting? You see what it’s doing there is it’s being very colloquial, very much open to what we’re saying, what we’re talking about. And you see there it is. It’s got all the text in there as well that you can use. And it gives you the ability to get a lot done. I like pie. I think it’s really good for a conversation. Very conversational. Much more oriented toward personal side than business, but yet there’s still business applications to it.

Terry Brock [00:03:07]:
You can find out a lot of information on there. And I’d recommend getting into it. Besides, it’s free. So you can get over there. Just go over to Sign up for an account and use it. I think it’s got some real good ideas of where we’re going and what can be done with AI in the future. And another really interesting thing about it is that can help you with languages.

Terry Brock [00:03:28]:
It speaks a few languages. I say speaks. It has a few in there. And some others, it doesn’t. It does have Spanish, which I like. I’m working on my Spanish right now. And it does not do Russian real well. It’s good that it says it works in Spanish.

Terry Brock [00:03:41]:
It does have Spanish. It has French and, I think, German, a couple other languages that are there They’re really nice, but it does not do all languages. For instance, Russian, it doesn’t do. What I did is I said, okay. Let’s find out something that they might know in Russian. And here’s what happened when I did that. I went in, and this is what it gave me.

Robot [00:03:57]:
I’m afraid my proficiency in Russian is quite limited at this time, so, I may not be the best teacher for that language. However, I can still provide you with basic phrases and vocabulary in Russian if you’d like to learn some of the basics. Very important. For example, hello in Russian is privet, privet, and thank you is spasibo, spasibo. Would you like to learn more basic Russian phrases?

Terry Brock [00:04:18]:
Okay. Now that’s very interesting because I speak enough Russian that I understand prevet is not a word you use. Is the way that you say hi in an informal way. So, I’m not the way that it said it. And you see that’s important in language because if you learn a wrong way of doing it, that’s not going to be very helpful. So I’ll put it there and say it’s okay. It’s not super strong on the languages, but it does have some. It does a little bit better in Spanish, and I find that using Spanish, it can do a lot of good things for you.

Terry Brock [00:04:47]:
So this is a tool that I think you wanna look into and I would recommend get a subscription to it. It’s free and it gives you the ability where it really sparkles and shines is just having a conversation with someone, talking back and forth. It has a lot of emotion built into it. A lot of emotions of, yeah, what is it like? And all those things, like the Florida weather. When they’ll say, yeah, that’s what Florida weather is like. It’s cold as when it’s in the sixties. And so, it’s something that we would understand. I think that this is a really good tool to understand where we’re going and where we’re going to see with AI in the future.

Terry Brock [00:05:20]:
It has some great potential for it and I heartily recommend that you look into The next tool I’m gonna share with you is one that is really good for remembering what happened. It keeps track of websites you visited. It keeps track of ideas that you had. It keeps track of meetings and does a nice recording and summary of meetings. It’s called augment, augment. And it gives you the ability to have a lot of different capabilities here. Matter of fact, all I’m gonna do is I’m gonna zoom in on some things.

Terry Brock [00:05:50]:
Over here in the upper left corner, you’ll see that it has 3 little icons that you can use. These three icons give you the ability to, well, do quite a bit here. First of all, I’m gonna click on this and it says ask augment. This is where you can ask questions about what I did, where I was, tell me about that conversation I had, or what’s going on. I like this right here. It says, what are the follow ups from my last six meetings? We have meetings throughout the day. Like you, I have many meetings throughout the day. And it’s nice to know, okay.

Terry Brock [00:06:18]:
I’ve gotta do this and this for this person. This person, I need to do that. Real nice little tool. When we come over here to the next one, it’s got memories. Look at this. On memories, it shows you where you’ve been. Matter of fact, I’m getting real personal here. You’ll see it actually even shows where I was recording this right here with Ecamm Live, putting it together and then using pie, as I was just doing on this video right here.

Terry Brock [00:06:39]:
And it shows me all the different activities that I’ve been engaged in, so I can see what’s going on, what I’ve been doing, and how to do it. Plus, it has meetings. So now, it’s looking at the meetings and gives me a summary and shows me what’s going on with the various meetings that I’ve been working with. That can be really helpful if you wonder, oh gee, what did we say on that one? Or what am I supposed to do for this one? Etcetera. All of this is right here with meetings. And then down here, you can learn augment. I think they’ve done a great job this in putting various videos together to show you how to do it. One thing I would like though is I’ve gone through all of these.

Terry Brock [00:07:11]:
They have about 14 of them that you go through. I’ve completed the 14. You’ll see I did that, here. Walked in there and complete made sure I had all 14 of these done. However, I’d like to go back and go, oh, tell me more about that. Move that augment dot. What does that mean? I forget what I saw. It would be nice to have that available.

Terry Brock [00:07:28]:
Be able to see, okay, this is what it does. Here’s how I can use that. So it would be a way that they could improve it. But this is a tool that I would recommend. Take a look at. See what augment can do for you. It can give you the ability to have a memory system working that’s helping you in many different ways with what you’re doing. And for a third application, I wanna show you one that I think you’re gonna be able to use a lot.

Terry Brock [00:07:50]:
And matter of fact, one that I had some frustration with and then figured out a way to use it in a spectacular way that’s helping me right now and will help you in the future when you apply the same principles. It’s a little tool called ideogram, and there it is. Ideogram. I’m gonna zoom in on this a little bit so you can see a little bit better there. Ideogram, and it gives you the ability to do quite a few things with graphics and with pictures. For instance, notice right here the pictures that people have created. You’ll see that we’ve got some here that are giving you the ability to people to see people, And actually, when you look at some of these portraits and the way that woman over here on the right looks really good and I think that’s pretty clear in a way the kind of vivid detail that you can get. And I see that we’ve got some feliz huevas santo.

Terry Brock [00:08:37]:
That’s in Spanish, of course, and shows us some Spanish language there that you can put in that and it will give you a lot of good applications. One of the things it talks about, it says it does particularly well with spelling, and I think that’s good. It does well, but it’s got some problems too, and different kinds of things. Notice what it’s got over here. A forensic. Here’s what it really, where it really sparkles. You’ll see it’s got a poster here. It says, took on cancer and won.

Terry Brock [00:09:01]:
And for whoever said that, I really appreciate what they’re doing. But then notice what happens here. As I do this, I clicked on it and then, I’ll move out of the way a little bit here, you’ll see that it gives you these prompts so you can see exactly what the prompt was. That way, you can copy the prompt for this one. Like like this one right here, but I really applaud whoever did this. Took on cancer and won. It shows the gloves in there. You could change those words to something else that might be more appropriate.

Terry Brock [00:09:27]:
We took it. We beat it. We conquered that, or we conquered this one, or we did this, or we’re gonna be fighting for it. Whatever it is, you can use the same kind of picture and change the prompt. And you’ll see over here it shows you the actual prompt that they used, what they did, how they did it, etcetera. And the magic prompt, how it was altered a little bit to make it even better. This is a tool that you wanna get to know. It gives you the ability to conquer a lot of those problems that are there.

Terry Brock [00:09:55]:
And you’ll see when it shows you what’s been done, you get a chance when you just click on the ideogram, the logo here, it shows you several pictures that are being created and have been created by others. Then you can see, okay, this is something that I might be able to use. I’m using a few different features here, and I might not want exactly like it is, but I can now use that. Like, for instance, here’s a picture somebody put together. I don’t even know who did this. Looks like Koi PM, whoever that is. Thank you for doing that. I’m gonna double click on this right here, and when I do, you see it brings up that picture that I can see.

Terry Brock [00:10:30]:
And what I wanna do Let me bring that up here. It’s not doing so well. Like I said, there it is. Now it comes up here, and I see the prompt, and I see the magic prompt over here that gives me the ability to take a look at it. And I’ve got someone walking up the stairs. Think about the application for that. What you could do with something like that is you could say, we’re beginning the process, or keep going, keep moving upstairs. You can take the picture that someone else has, change the wording, change it a little bit so that it’s just right for you, and then you’re able to do it.

Terry Brock [00:10:59]:
And I see the exact phrase right here. It shows a captivating image of a man ascending a grand winding staircase with determination and motivation, etcetera, etcetera. And it shows me what can be done. This gives you the capability to create a whole lot. A matter of fact, I want to show you some of the things that I have done with this, some of the challenges that I had with it, and how I overcame a major challenge. Okay. Here’s a picture of one that I created when I put, it’s a wonderful Wednesday, make it a great day. And I took a picture that was there.

Terry Brock [00:11:30]:
I had a picture of the beach and the sand on the beach and it looked really good. And I thought, thought, hey, this is looking good. However, when I got into it, look what it smeared. It’s a wonderful, and look how it’s spelled wonderful. W o n d e r fuil or is that a w in there? F w l and a capital l or maybe not. I don’t know. Anyway, it’s okay, but not great. And so I thought, oh, that’s kind of disappointing.

Terry Brock [00:11:54]:
It didn’t do quite as well as I wanted it to, but it gave me other options. Usually creates about 4 images for you in there. Well, this one says, it’s a wonderful Wednesday. Make it a great day. And that looks good. I can use that. Now the letter a of day is off just a little bit, but not so much that we can’t use it. This looks good and it would be something that I could use very well.

Terry Brock [00:12:18]:
You can use this in many different ways. Here’s another one I put together and this one gives me a little bit more capability. I put in the saying the United States Marines have, improvise, adapt, overcome. Now it did not give me a picture of actual marines doing this because that would probably be illegal. But it gives me enough that I can see, okay, these are soldiers of some sort. They’re warriors. They’re invading. They’re going in, taking over, climbing up a beach.

Terry Brock [00:12:44]:
And that is a good model that I can then use for a lot of different capabilities. So this has some real good applications for you. And here’s where it really sparkles. I wanted to have a quote from Teddy Roosevelt. I kept trying over and over. I tried so many times on this one to get it right, and it kept getting the words wrong or put in wrong letters on there. But what I did is I realized, wait a minute. Don’t fight it.

Terry Brock [00:13:07]:
Accept things as they are and use this for the good that it has. Because right here, I asked for a caricature, portraiture of Teddy Roosevelt. I’m not using an actual picture. This is something that is derived. It’s got my creative juices in it. So that means, hey, I can use this. And I got 2 pictures here of Teddy Roosevelt. And they came through just fine.

Terry Brock [00:13:29]:
And then what I did is I worked with it and moved around. I’ll show you in just a moment. Here’s another one that I put in. Give you an example of where it’s good, but not quite perfect. You learn more from failure than from success. This is something that I just put in there, made it up on my own, wanted to put it in there. Do not let it stop you. Failure builds character.

Terry Brock [00:13:47]:
This looks good, except for one little thing over there. Notice what we’ve got here on the, excuse me, on the letter do, where before it says do not. It put a period. Now, I don’t know why it did that. I didn’t needed a period there, but it did. So I can use it a little bit. But in a real formal presentation where it needs to be perfect, well, that’s not quite quite as good as I want it to be. So I have to work around that and work with it.

Terry Brock [00:14:11]:
But here’s an area where it did very well. I wanted it to give me a picture of a man and a woman holding their cell phones, businessman, businesswoman, in a conference room and they’re talking. This is a picture that looks like it could be real people. Real people, I like that. When you look at it, you think, hey, that is really good. So this is where ideogram can really come in handy. Not perfect, but it does a whole lot of good for you in many, many different ways. And you saw some of the pictures that it created before that I think are really, really good.

Terry Brock [00:14:40]:
Here’s one. It did spectacularly well. Is that a word, spectacular? Yeah, it is. It put it together there. The secret to success. Serve your market, be the best, never give up. I did that myself. That’s what I put in there.

Terry Brock [00:14:53]:
I didn’t get that from anybody else. I just put it in there, made it up, and I said give me a picture of a little dog. Well, it had some pictures that others had done before of a cute little dog playing the guitar and putting some things together. This is a nice little picture that I can use in several different ways. And actually, this is what it started with. It gave me several here, 4 to start with. So you can look at 4 different variations of it, each a little bit different than the other, and it showed me what could be done and the way that I could use it. I like that.

Terry Brock [00:15:20]:
It gives me a lot of capabilities. And here’s some others. I asked it to do it again, to regenerate. Did it again. I really like this idea. O gramming. Ideogram gives you a lot of capabilities. I finally settled on this one that I can use, the secret to success.

Terry Brock [00:15:35]:
Serve your market, be the best, and never give up. And I got that little dog there. It can be kinda nice. People would like that and think, okay. That’s pretty good. Here’s another one I took. Took an saying that someone had put in there and I put my words in there instead. When in doubt, be kind and empathetic.

Terry Brock [00:15:53]:
Now, that one came out just right. I got below that, so I can put it in. Think about what you can do with this. You can take something like this, of saying like that, take the words that someone else has used and put your own words in there. So that now you’re getting the kind of information that you want. The kind of sayings that you want, and you put that over. And it gets even better because some other things that you can do change it. Here’s another version of that.

Terry Brock [00:16:18]:
Little bit different flavor. I didn’t have my name on this one, but you can use that. It can work really well. Here’s one that I like. Can be used maybe to an extent. I put in there 2 businesswomen, 1 white, 1 black, working on a computer and they’re smiling. It looks pretty good at first brush, but if you look down a little bit closer at their hands, the hands look just a little bit different. It looks like, okay, which one is which? Maybe it is, and even more so, the lady over here on the left, the white lady, is pointing, but she’s using a finger that is not the one I would want to use in a professional situation, using her middle finger to point to something.

Terry Brock [00:16:56]:
Maybe we wouldn’t wanna use that as is. So we would probably change it a little bit, but you get it out there. And what I figured out, here’s the real key. What I figured out, rather than fighting and arguing over all that, let it do what it does best. You find that this one can do a lot, and this is what I did. I took that picture of Teddy Roosevelt, right there Theodore Roosevelt. Took that one. And the words you’ll see on the top here, do what you can with what you’ve got right where you are.

Terry Brock [00:17:24]:
Theodore Roosevelt, 26 US President, came out perfect. That’s because here’s what I did. I realized something is important in life, and this is implies as a principle to many things. Don’t expect one person who might be an excellent doctor to also be an excellent gardener. Doesn’t mean there’s a correlation Someone that might be real good in one area, not good in another area. And with this, what I did is I found, hey, this one works really well in one area, but it didn’t do so well in the words. So I took the picture itself, and I went over into Canva. Canva handles words and graphics very well.

Terry Brock [00:18:01]:
It is a superb, wonderful tool. I brought the picture of Teddy Roosevelt in, put the words on top, and I got something I can use. Works really, really nicely. And I think this is what you wanna do, be able to use it for there. I did this also here. I got a caricature of one of my heroes, Curtis Jackson, a k a 50 Cent. And this is one that is a picture of him. Not not I shouldn’t say a picture.

Terry Brock [00:18:25]:
It’s a graphic interpretation of what he’s looked like. And I had his I said, raise his hand in the air. He’s cheering on doing that. And then what I did is I went over to canva and brought this in. The same change that brought you in the door can sweep you right back out if you don’t keep pushing yourself forward. You have to keep finding new ways to challenge yourself. Curtis Jackson, AKA 50 Cent. And you’ll notice what I did is I used the best of Canva, so I muted his picture just a little bit.

Terry Brock [00:18:52]:
You’ll see that this picture here is a little bit different than what we had before. Hold on. We just broke that out of that. Let me go back in here and come back over here. Notice that picture’s a little bit darker. I think there’s a little bit better definition here, and there is. Because what I did is when I went into Canva, I wanted the words to stand out. So, I used the transparency capability in Canva and made it a little bit softer.

Terry Brock [00:19:13]:
So, you see what we’re doing is we’re using these pictures so that we get the best of the best from what we’re doing. Bottom line with all three of these, they have strengths, they have weaknesses. This is the way anything is in life. Certain things are really good. Certain things are bad. What you wanna do is be able to take the best of these. These 3 have really good features. They can help you in a lot of different ways.

Terry Brock [00:19:35]:
And be able to use that in a way that can help you to get the job done to succeed. And that’s what we’re talking about here at Star Craving Entrepreneurs. We’d love you to like, share this, and subscribe to it if you get some value out of it. That way, you can help others to learn about this as well. And we’ve got some tools for you. As you know, we’ve got available for you a wonderful little kit that we’re constantly changing, and improving, and making better. At ai tools for biz. That’s the number 4.

Terry Brock [00:20:05]:
Ai tools for And you’ll see we’ve got a graphic there and a little QR code. If you’re watching this on video, you can grab that and make sure that you get the kind of information that you need. So this is where we are today. I would encourage you to work with that. And we’ve got some other videos for you that are gonna help you in the field of AI, particularly, to be able to get ahead and do the kinds of things that you need to do. I’m Terry Brock. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Terry Brock [00:20:29]:
Let us know what you think of it. Leave a comment below wherever you’re getting this, and I’ll look forward to hearing from you.

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Are you looking for an in-person or virtual speaker who will add the perfect spark to your next event? Or an author for your next bestseller? Or maybe a technology coach to help you leverage the future to hit your goals? Contact Terry and let’s see if he’s the right fit!